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NIKE Unveils a Wave of Innovation That Defines the Future of Sport

2016/3/17 12:41:25  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Newbreakthroughsinperformanceinnovationfeatureadaptivelacing,thenextgenerationofNikeAir,andNike+:theall-accesspasstoyourpotential NEWY

New breakthroughs in performance innovation feature adaptive lacing, the next generation of Nike Air, and Nike+: the all-access pass to your potential


Today, NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE), the world’s largest and most innovative sports brand, revealed the future of sport, highlighted by the groundbreaking “adaptive lacing” platform, as well as a pioneering football (soccer) technology that separates mud from cleats and transformations in the celebrated innovations of Nike Air and Nike Flyknit that reinvent modern footwear design.

NIKE, Inc. President & CEO Mark Parker, at a global event in New York City, debuted these innovations and unveiled the new Nike+ app, the all-access pass for athletes to reach their potential. The app connects athletes with Nike’s most-coveted products and services in a simple, seamless way.

The new Nike+ delivers a personal store, on-demand coaching and the best of Nike at your fingertips. These features come to life through a personal feed that recommends products tailored to you, coaching for all levels that adapts to your performance and schedule, and a connection to the endless motivation found in the world of Nike’s in-person experiences.

“Today showcases a breadth of innovation that only Nike can deliver,” said Parker. “It represents a fundamental shift in how we serve the athlete. We’ve entered a new era of personalized performance. Athletes want more than a dashboard and data – they want a more personal relationship, one that gives them real solutions and total access to the best product and services.”

The groundbreaking products unveiled by Parker represent Nike’s relentless drive to exceed athletes’ expectations:

Nike HyperAdapt 1.0: Ushering in this new era of personalized performance, HyperAdapt is the first-ever step in the concept of “adaptive lacing.” It delivers a precise fit that can be adjusted to the changing needs of the game. Through this pioneering innovation, Nike offers a glimpse into the future of footwear. The Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 will be exclusively available to purchase through the new Nike+ app.

Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit: Since the advent of the Air platform 40 years ago, designers required foam and rubber to separate the Air and the foot for support and traction purposes. No longer. Today, thanks to years of research, these barriers can be removed to create maximum feel and efficiency for runners. With simply a Nike Flyknit upper and Nike Air, the Nike Air VaporMax reimagines how footwear is made and offers athletes the purest cushioning ever created.

Nike Anti-Clog Traction: Mud is the opponent of speed. Nike Anti-Clog Traction helps prevent mud from sticking to the bottom of football boots (cleats) with a new adaptive polymer. This premium traction helps players avoid the slips and excess weight that can separate victory from defeat by offering no distractions in all conditions. Anti-Clog is Nike’s latest intersection of sport and science at the molecular level, as it solves for the problems that athletes have long thought unsolvable.

Nike Flyknit: The Nike Flyknit platform continues to accelerate its power as it rewrites the rules of performance engineering. Today, Nike Flyknit is available in all sports for all athletes in all conditions, a quantum leap forward for a technology which four years ago launched solely for marathoners. The combinations of yarns and digital knitting techniques that make up Flyknit now offer athletes stronger and more weatherproof options, as Nike continues to explore this groundbreaking technology’s infinite possibilities to solve the world of sport’s greatest challenges.

As part of the event, Parker also discussed Nike’s design philosophy of creating footwear and apparel through an approach of head-to-toe product integration. Known as “System of Performance,” this philosophy obsesses the edges and seams that connect products to each other – always designing for athletes in motion. More information on System of Performance is expected to be released during the second day of the event.

Visit Nike News at news.nike.com for product release date information. The new Nike+ app will be available in June.

About Nike, Inc.

NIKE, Inc., based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned NIKE, Inc. subsidiary brands include Converse, which designs, distributes and licenses casual sneakers, apparel and accessories; and Hurley, which designs and distributes a line of action sports and youth lifestyle apparel and accessories. For more information, NIKE’s earnings releases and other financial information are available at http://investors.nike.com. Individuals can also visit http://news.nike.com/ and follow @Nike.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160316006418/en/



NIKE, Inc.
Media Contact: 212-367-4447 

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