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Dimension Data Expands Its Cloud Services for Microsoft Offering - Acquires Ceryx

2016/4/6 8:23:09  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: TORONTO--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- DimensionData,theUSD7.5billionglobalICTservicesandsolutionsprovider,todayannouncedithasacquiredtheprivately


Dimension Data, the USD 7.5 billion global ICT services and solutions provider, today announced it has acquired the privately owned Ceryx Inc, a Toronto headquartered company that offers a suite of services across the Microsoft Messaging and Collaboration Suite, including Office 365, Exchange, Sharepoint and Skype for Business for an undisclosed sum.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160404005622/en/

Ceryx will reside within Dimension Data’s ITaaS Service Unit. Dimension Data will combine Ceryx’s offerings with its Microsoft Services to deliver a full services portfolio that spans on-premise, private cloud and public cloud, Office 365 (O365) – or a hybrid of any - for Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint and Skype for Business (S4B). This includes the Group’s private cloud offering called Cloud Services for Microsoft (CSfM).

Ceryx’s focus is on Fortune 500 clients, mainly in Canada and the United States, with recent wins in Europe. When combined with Dimension Data’s global client base which covers many industry verticals, this accelerates Dimension Data to a dominant global position in this market.

Ettienne Reinecke, Dimension Data’s Group CTO said, “We’ve seen strong adoption of our private cloud offering for Exchange, Sharepoint and Skype for Business. This strategic acquisition fast tracks Dimension Data’s hybrid offering, and positions the combined entities as one of the few companies globally that can offer the full suite of different delivery models that allows organisations to provision, manage and optimise these workloads through single management portal, irrespective of platform or location.

“Dimension Data’s clients are on a journey to migrate various workloads to the cloud. In most instances, the optimal fit for them is not one underlying platform, but rather a combination - or hybrid - of platforms for Microsoft Office 365, Exchange, Sharepoint, and Skype for Business. The combined capabilities of Ceryx and Dimension Data’s end-user computing suite of services accelerates our time to market, and facilitates the client’s journey to the cloud,” explains Reinecke.

Gus Harsfai, founder and CEO of Ceryx, “We’re thrilled to join Dimension Data and the wider NTT Group. Our combined technology offerings and approach to end-user computing strengthens our ability to support businesses across the world on private, public and hybrid technology platforms.”


View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160404005622/en/



Dimension Data
Hilary King, tel +2782-414-9623
Global PR Manager
Mariah Torpey, 781-418-2404
Shanley Stern, 732-452-5263
Dimension Data Americas

The combined capabilities of Ceryx and Dimension Data’s end-user computing suite of services will facilitate our client’s journey to the cloud (Photo: Business Wire)

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