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MetLife & HKUST to Launch Second Annual Hong Kong Business Amazing Race

2016/5/5 8:08:28  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: AchallengeofmindandmusclecelebratesHongKong鈥檚cultural,historic,andeconomicvalues HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- MetLifeHongKong*,awholly-o

A challenge of mind and muscle celebrates Hong Kong鈥檚 cultural, historic, and economic values


MetLife Hong Kong*, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc., the #1 U.S. life insurer^, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (“HKUST”) are partnering for a second consecutive year to launch the “Hong Kong Business Amazing Race” (“Amazing Race”). Co-hosted and sponsored by MetLife Hong Kong, this year's Amazing Race follows in the footsteps of the success and excitement from last year's Amazing Race.

As exclusive sponsor, MetLife Hong Kong seeks to build on its global mission to encourage Diversity and Inclusion across nearly 50 countries it operates in worldwide. MetLife established a strong relationship with HKUST with the launch of MetLife Global Leadership Development Program (“GLDP”) in Asia since 2013. The GLDP is MetLife’s fast-track global program that aims to attract high performing MBA talent and develop them into future leaders.

Mr. Lennard Yong, MetLife Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Officer, said, “At MetLife, both in Hong Kong and around the world, we are committed to creating an environment of inclusion conducive for the seamless exchange of ideas and information. As evidenced by our Amazing Race sponsorship, MetLife Hong Kong seeks to uplift business communities worldwide by spreading awareness about the importance and impact Diversity and Inclusion has on both bottom lines and societal value. I look forward to congratulating the winners and applaud all participants in this worthy cause."

Organized by HKUST MBA students, the MetLife & HKUST Amazing Race brings together nearly 200 young business professionals and aims to provide participants an opportunity to discover and appreciate Hong Kong's strong business culture, international environment, and talented workforce. The Amazing Race pits together teams of MBA students, HKUST staff and alumni, and of participating companies to overcome a series of obstacles and challenges as they race through Hong Kong.

Mr. Sean Ferguson, Associate Dean of Masters Programs and Director of MBA Programs at HKUST said, “As a premier Business School in Asia, our students are proud to host a race that embodies many of the qualities of a great business team, and great business leaders, – determination, strategic intelligence, determination and perseverance.”

The event will take place on Sunday, May 8, 2016. Over 40 teams from the local business community and top Hong Kong business schools will be competing for an array of great prizes: look out for the Hong Kong Business Amazing Race teams and cheer them on!

About MetLife

MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world#. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information about MetLife Hong Kong, visit www.metlife.com.hk.

* MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Limited (collectively “MetLife Hong Kong”) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. in Hong Kong and private companies limited by shares incorporated and registered under the applicable laws in Hong Kong. Both MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Limited are authorized insurers carrying long term business in Hong Kong.

^ Based on 2015 written premiums. Source: Axco Global Statistics 2016.

# Based on non-banking assets according to A.M. Best research 2012 data, Best’s Review July 2014.


A dynamic, international research university, in relentless pursuit of excellence, leading the advance of science, technology, business and humanities, and educating the new generation of front-runners for the world. Since its official opening in October 1991, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has established itself as an intellectual powerhouse, energizing the community’s transformation into a knowledge-based society, and securing a place on the academic world map in record-breaking time. The HKUST MBA program has been ranked World top 15 for 6 consecutive years (2010-15) according to the Financial Times.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160503007223/en/



MetLife Hong Kong
Sunshine Farzan, (852) 2199-1821
Raey Choi, (852) 2199-1826

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