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SES Government Solutions and O3b Networks Commission Service to Provide NOAA with a High Performance Network

2016/6/15 8:49:14  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ManagedservicesolutiondeliverscriticalweatheralertsandseismicdatathroughoutthePacificRegion RESTON,Va.,&STHELIER,Jersey,ChannelIsl

Managed service solution delivers critical weather alerts and seismic data throughout the Pacific Region

RESTON, Va., & ST HELIER, Jersey, Channel Islands -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --

SES Government Solutions (SES GS) and O3b Networks announced today that the companies have jointly completed the first O3b managed services installation for NOAA’s National Weather Service Office (NWSO) at Pago Pago, American Samoa. This remote station is responsible for providing critically important tropical weather alerts and cyclone warning information to a large part of the Pacific.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160613006605/en/

An uninterrupted high-speed data connection between the Pago Pago NWSO and the primary Pacific National Weather Service (NWS) centre in Hawaii is essential for NOAA to update forecast models and issue safety warnings in near real-time.

The task order is part of the NOAA Worldwide Satellite Communications Systems II (WSCS II) contract. The O3b service will provide a highly reliable, low latency link for passing critically important weather information between the NSWO in Pago Pago and the NWS headquarters Office on Ford Island in Honolulu, Hawaii. As a result, NWS can now rapidly deliver large weather files from observation offices in American Samoa to scientists and meteorologists in Hawaii and across the US mainland.

“SES GS is proud to provide uninterrupted, high speed data connections that are critical for NOAA’s continued push to understand and predict changes in the natural environment that might impact safety or commerce,” said Pete Hoene, President and Chief Executive Officer of SES GS.

“O3b Networks is excited to work with SES GS and the team at NOAA on such an important project,” said Jack Deasy, Vice President, Government Sales of O3b Networks. “O3b is a game-changing technology for the US government, bringing a fiber-like connection to any difficult-to-reach place.”

The implementation included the procurement and installation of the O3b terminals, radomes and the ground segment network. Once the hardware was installed, the team supported the end-to-end service testing. The service was delivered on-time and within service level specifications, including the cutover of live traffic through the O3b network on 23 May 2016.

About SES Government Solutions

SES Government Solutions, a subsidiary of global satellite operator SES, is exclusively focused on meeting the satellite communications needs of the U.S. Government.

Leveraging more than four decades of experience in the government SATCOM market, SES Government Solutions offers robust and secure satellite-based communications solutions. Supported by SES’s fleet of over 50 satellites offering comprehensive global coverage, SES Government Solutions provides highly reliable fixed and on-the-move capacity. Further information can be found at www.ses-gs.com.

About O3b Networks Limited

O3b Networks Limited is a global satellite service provider operating a next-generation satellite network for telecommunications operators, Internet service providers, enterprise and government customers in emerging markets. The O3b system combines the global reach of satellite with the speed of a fiber‐optic network providing billions of consumers and businesses in nearly 180 countries with low‐cost, high‐speed, low latency Internet and mobile connectivity. O3b Networks’ investors include SES, Google, Liberty Global, HSBC Principal Investments, Northbridge Venture Partners, Allen & Company, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Sofina, Satya Capital and Luxempart. O3b Networks is headquartered in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. www.o3bnetworks.com

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160613006605/en/



SES Government Solutions
Natalia Kossobokova
Marketing & Communications Director
Tel: +1 703 646 7231 

SES Government Solutions and O3b Networks Commission Service to Provide NOAA with a High Performance Network (Photo: Business Wire)

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