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Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific Survey Reveals That Millennials Find It Difficult to Engage in Physical Activities in the Modern Workplace

2016/10/10 13:51:25  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: AsiaPacificWellnessTourtoraiseawarenessonhowmillennialworkerscanimprovetheirwellbeing HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--HerbalifeNutrition,agl

Asia Pacific Wellness Tour to raise awareness on how millennial workers can improve their well being

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Herbalife Nutrition, a global nutrition company, has released findings from its Asia Pacific Millennials At Work Survey1showing that younger workers in Asia want to do more physical exercise while working, but they are finding it difficult to achieve this in the modern workplace.

With the millennial generation expected to make up 50 percent of the global workforce by 2020, ensuring the well-being of millennials will be important to improving workplace productivity. According to the survey, about 66 percent of Asian millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, get less than 30 minutes of daily physical activity at their workplace which includes standing, stretching and walking. Additionally, 71 percent said they would become more active if it is part of their company’s corporate culture.

“While most millennials want to lead healthy lives, they face real obstacles at work,” said Frank Lamberti, Herbalife senior vice president and managing director, North Asia. “At Herbalife Nutrition, we provide employees our nutrition products at work, subsidize gym memberships, hold regular wellness programs related to nutrition and well-being and encourage participation in outdoor activities and sports competitions.”

The survey findings also revealed that:

  • 7 in 10 millennials strive to live healthy, active lives, compared to 6 in 10 for the older generation
  • However, the majority of millennials find it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle at work – 9 in 10 millennials spend 6 to 13 hours at their work desk each day, and 66 percent of millennials (compared to 59 percent of the older generation) get less than 30 minutes of physical activity - including standing, stretching and walking at work on an average work day
  • Additionally, 56 percent of them cited the “lack of time” as the key obstacle to engaging in physical activity at work

To provide tips on how millennials and their employers can integrate positive nutrition and life style habits at their workplaces, Herbalife Nutrition has organized a sixth Asia Pacific Wellness Tour. Five experts from the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) are scheduled to tour 21 Asian cities to appear at talks, workshops and medical symposiums from October 7 to 30. The last five tours welcomed over 100,000 participants.

“Through these efforts, we hope to equip organizations and employees with the right tools to collectively build a healthier work environment across Asia Pacific,” said Stephen Conchie, senior vice president and managing director, Southeast Asia, Herbalife.

Each of these events will see the Herbalife NAB members sharing their views on a range of health-related topics, including weight management, brain health and aging, metabolism, sports medicine, sports science and nutrition. The Herbalife NAB members will also be sharing expert advice on how millennials can adopt simple positive nutrition and lifestyle habits at work to improve their overall well-being in the long run.

The Herbalife NAB members participating in the Wellness Tour include:

  • Dr. Gary Small, a specialist in brain health and aging. He has authored over 500 scientific works and received numerous awards and honors, including the "Senior Investigator Award" from the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
  • Dr. Chin-Kun Wang, an expert in metabolism and nutrition, with a focus on the clinical evaluation of nutritional supplements, nutraceuticals, functional foods and herbs. He was awarded the National Award of Biomedicine in Taiwan in 2008 for his contribution to medical education.
  • Dr. Julian Alvarez Garcia, a specialist in sports medicine and sports physiology who has advised professional teams, national teams and individual athletes on a range of disciplines including weightlifting, triathlons, mountain biking, football and basketball.
  • Dr. Darren Burgess, an expert in sports science and nutrition who has authored papers in multiple peer review journals. He is also the current Head of High Performance at Port Adelaide Football (AFL) Club, and the former Head of Fitness and Conditioning at Liverpool Football Club.
  • Dr. Rocio Medina, vice president of nutrition training, Herbalife, and a specialist in nutrition and obesity who co-founded the Medical College of Surgeons and Professionals in Obesity and Clinical Nutrition at Nuevo León, Mexico in 2000, where she served as president from 2009 to 2010.

1Herbalife’s Millennials At Work Survey was conducted in 2016, with 5,500 respondents aged 18 and above, from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

About Herbalife

Herbalife is a global nutrition company that has been changing people's lives with great products since 1980. Our nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through dedicated Independent Herbalife Members in more than 90 countries. We are committed to fighting the worldwide problems of poor nutrition and obesity by offering high-quality products, one-on-one coaching with an Herbalife member and a community that inspires customers to live a healthy, active life.

We support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife programs to help bring good nutrition to children in need. We also sponsor more than 190 world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including Cristiano Ronaldo, the LA Galaxy and champions in many other sports.

The company has over 8,000 employees worldwide, and its shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: HLF) with net sales of US$4.5 billion in 2015. To learn more visit Herbalife.com or www.IAmHerbalife.com.


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