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NTT Communications to Highlight Network Security and Innovation at Capacity Asia 2016 Conference

2016/12/5 18:16:42  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NewNetworkInfrastructureandState-of-the-ArtCapabilitiesStrengthenCompany’sLeadershipinAsia-PacificRegion NEWYORK&HONGKONG--(BUSINESS

New Network Infrastructure and State-of-the-Art Capabilities Strengthen Company’s Leadership in Asia-Pacific Region


NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the global data and IP services arm of Fortune Global 500 telecom leader NTT (NYSE:NTT), today announced its participation as a Platinum Sponsor at the Capacity Asia 2016 Conference taking place in Hong Kong, 6-7 December. Capacity Asia is one of the leading events for the wholesale IP services and communications industry in the region.

NTT Com remains the top Wholesale IP Provider in the Asia-Pacific region according to the Dyn IP Transit Intelligence Wholesale Rankings published by Capacity magazine in its Wholesale World 2016 Yearbook. Earlier this year the company was named Wholesale Operator of the Year at the Asia Communication Awards 2016 in Singapore for the third time, and just a few days ago Best Global Operator at the World Communication Awards 2016 in London for the second time.

New network infrastructure and state-of-the-art capabilities continue to strengthen the company’s leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. In October 2016 NTT Com launched a high-capacity optical submarine cable network, the Asia Pacific Gateway (APG). With a total length of 10,400 km avoiding areas prone to earthquakes and typhoons, the APG network leverages 100Gbps optical transmission and digital coherent technology and has connectivity points in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Most recently, NTT Com and other NTT companies added a new submarine cable-laying ship to their fleet of vessels currently deploying and maintaining vital undersea cable assets in Japanese and overseas waters.

At the Capacity Asia Conference Michael Wheeler, executive vice president of the Global IP Network business unit at NTT Communications, will join industry leaders on the security panel “Can We Ever, Truly Be in a Secure Position?” on Tuesday 6 December at 4:15 p.m. local time. The discussion will focus on how global carriers collaborate on cyber security and DDoS prevention, and what influence virtualization and automation have on the development of defending against security breaches.

“We at NTT Com look at security as protecting our network and the network of our customers,” said Michael Wheeler. “We take network security very seriously and continually look at ways to contain these issues.” NTT Com offers DDoS protection and mitigation services that help stabilize the situation in the event of a DDoS attack, identify root causes and filter traffic until the threat subsides.

The company has a dedicated network security team that supports and protects the Global IP Network with an average tenure of ten plus years and expertise to handle DDoS attacks. “NTT Com has the infrastructure and capabilities to mitigate such threats but like all operators we will continue to see attacks evolve in size and complexity,” Mr. Wheeler added. Please click here to watch a video with Mr. Wheeler discussing cyber security and the role of global wholesale IP providers in helping companies protect their networks and data.

NTT Com is a Platinum Sponsor of Capacity Asia 2016. Attendees can connect with NTT Com during the company-sponsored Tuesday 6 December evening reception and at the exhibition stand during networking hours.

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching over 196 countries/regions, and 140 secure data centers worldwide. NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

About NTT Communications Global IP Network

Consistently ranked among the top networks worldwide, NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network covers North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and provides the best possible environment for content, data and video transport through a single autonomous system number (AS 2914). NTT Com is one of the top global wholesale IP providers according to the latest Dyn Wholesale Rankings.

For more information and updates in Asia and Oceania: www.ntt.com | Twitter @NTTCom #globalipnetwork #AS2914

US and the Americas: www.us.ntt.net | Twitter @NTT_America

Europe, Middle East and Africa: www.eu.ntt.com | Twitter @NTT Europe

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161204005050/en/



NTT Communications | NTT America
Global IP Network
Fernando Costantino, +1-425-250-7051

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