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Itron Broadens Electrification in Indonesia with Smart Payment Solution

2016/12/22 9:22:30  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: PTPLN,astate-ownedutilitycompanyinJakarta,expandscontractwithItronforatotalofmorethan1millionsmartpaymentmeters LIBERTYLAKE,Wash.--(BUSI

PT PLN, a state-owned utility company in Jakarta, expands contract with Itron for a total of more than 1 million smart payment meters


Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ:ITRI), a world-leading technology and services company dedicated to the resourceful use of energy and water, announced today that PT Mecoindo, a joint venture between Itron and a local partner in Indonesia, is expanding its work with PT PLN (Persero) to broaden electrification for residents in Indonesia. The utility recently signed a new contract with PT Mecoindo for an additional 500,000 smart payment meters, which expands upon an agreement announced earlier this year to deploy 635,000 smart payment meters. With the deal, more PT PLN customers will have access to electricity as well as a convenient, cost-effective way to manage and pay for their usage.

After a successful initial rollout, PT PLN decided to expand its use of Itron’s smart payment solution to include a total of more than 1 million meters. The solution helps the utility implement revenue protection measures while empowering consumers to manage their electricity usage according to their budget and needs. With Itron’s smart payment solution, consumers have insights into their remaining energy balance, reducing the likelihood of an untimely shut-off. In addition, PT PLN is benefiting from the ability to streamline customer service and bill payment while reducing operational costs, delinquent account risks and improving cash flow.

“Itron’s smart payment solution is helping PT PLN enhance our ability to provide convenient and affordable electricity services to energy consumers in Indonesia. We are pleased to be able to extend this benefit to even more customers with this new contract,” said Septa Hamid, general manager of supply chain management at PT PLN (Persero). “With Itron’s high-quality, reliable technology, we are expanding electrification and improving service to our customers.”

“We look forward to continuing our collaboration with PT PLN to provide consumers with a convenient, cost-effective way to prepay for electricity,” said George Daenuwy, PT Mecoindo president. “Itron’s smart payment solution directly supports the goals and outcomes of PT PLN’s electrification program and enables the utility and its customers to better manage energy resources.”

About Itron

Itron is a world-leading technology and services company dedicated to the resourceful use of energy and water. We provide comprehensive solutions that measure, manage and analyze energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, gas, water and thermal energy measurement devices and control technology; communications systems; software; as well as managed and consulting services. With thousands of employees supporting nearly 8,000 customers in more than 100 countries, Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Together, we can create a more resourceful world. Join us: www.itron.com.

Itron® is a registered trademark of Itron, Inc. All third party trademarks are property of their respective owners and any usage herein does not suggest or imply any relationship between Itron and the third party unless expressly stated.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161220005267/en/



Itron, Inc.
Sharelynn Moore, 509-891-3524
Vice President, Global Marketing and Public Affairs

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