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Herbalife Nutrition Encourages North Asia Members to Play a Bigger Role in Inspiring Healthy Active Living in Their Local Communities

2017/6/21 12:20:26  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Globalnutritioncompany,Herbalife(NYSE:HLF),hasconcludeditsannualAsiaPacificExtravaganzaforNorthAsia,heldfro

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global nutrition company, Herbalife (NYSE:HLF), has concluded its annual Asia Pacific Extravaganza for North Asia, held from June 16 to 18 in Hong Kong. As a training event organized for Herbalife Nutrition independent members in North Asia, this year’s event rallied the 9,000 strong crowd to be more active, harnessing the company’s research, innovation and competitive advantage to inspire positive lifestyle changes in their local communities. The three-day event in Hong Kong was anchored by Rich Goudis, Herbalife Nutrition’s new Chief Executive Officer who recently took on the role on June 1, 2017.

“As a global nutrition company, Herbalife Nutrition has been championing balanced nutrition and healthy active living by providing the best nutrition and weight-management products. This year, our goal is to equip our members with the knowledge and tools to go one step further, to be active change agents in inspiring positive nutrition and active lifestyle habits in their local communities. By doing this, we hope that we can play a bigger role to help people in Asia Pacific live healthier, more fulfilling lives,” said Stephen Conchie, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific.

As the lead executive spearheading Herbalife Nutrition’s global business strategy, Goudis kicked off the event by sharing his vision for Herbalife Nutrition as a purpose-driven company on a mission to improve nutrition for its consumers. With global megatrends such as obesity, aging and rising health care costs showing no signs of slowing down, Goudis highlighted that the current environment presents Herbalife Nutrition with the opportunity to play a bigger role in addressing these concerns. He also shared his passions for innovation, education and training, and emphasized that the company's competitive advantage in the nutrition industry is its ability to provide the “distributor difference” – where members are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide personalized nutrition and fitness services to customers.

Following this, Stephen Conchie commended the Herbalife North Asia member community for their unwavering spirit in providing personalized nutrition and fitness coaching services to a rapidly expanding pool of customers, to continue helping people live healthier and happier.

Dr. David Heber, chairman of Herbalife Nutrition Institute, also gave an in-depth view of the latest developments in science and research behind the company’s nutrition philosophy. This session enabled Herbalife Nutrition members to provide new insights to help people leverage the power of nutrition to combat modern-day health issues more effectively.

About Herbalife

Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier. The Company has been on a mission for nutrition - changing people's lives with great nutrition products and programs - since 1980. Together with our Herbalife Nutrition independent members, we are committed to providing solutions to the worldwide problems of poor nutrition and obesity, an aging population, sky-rocketing public healthcare costs and a rise in entrepreneurs of all ages. We offer high-quality, science-backed products, most of which are produced in Company-operated facilities, one-on-one coaching with an Herbalife Nutrition independent member, and a supportive community approach that inspires customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Our targeted nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through dedicated Herbalife Nutrition members in more than 90 countries.

Through its corporate social responsibility efforts, Herbalife Nutrition supports the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife programs to help bring good nutrition to children in need. The Company is also proud to sponsor more than 190 world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including Cristiano Ronaldo, the LA Galaxy, and numerous Olympic teams.

The company has over 8,000 employees worldwide, and its shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:HLF) with net sales of approximately US$4.5 billion in 2016. To learn more, visit Herbalife.com or IAmHerbalife.com.

The company also encourages investors to visit its investor relations website at ir.herbalife.com as financial and other information is updated and new information is posted.

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