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Geoscience Australia Renews Life-Saving Connectivity Contracts with Speedcast

2017/7/6 8:48:19  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SYDNEY--(BUSINESSWIRE)--SpeedcastInternationalLimited(ASX:SDA),theworld’smosttrustedproviderofhighlyreliable,fullymanaged,remotec

SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Speedcast International Limited (ASX: SDA), the world’s most trusted provider of highly reliable, fully managed, remote communication and IT solutions, announced Geoscience Australia, Australia's pre-eminent public sector geoscience organization, has renewed its contract with Speedcast for life-saving connectivity applications. Speedcast provides VSAT connectivity for Geoscience Australia’s seismic reading and GPS land movement applications.“We are pleased to continue our relationship with Geoscience Australia,” said Andrew Burdall, executive vice president enterprise & emerging markets, Speedcast. “The connectivity services we provide not only assure the safety of thousands in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, but they also improve the accuracy of scientific studies that will have a long-term impact on the country. The partnership with Geoscience Australia demonstrates Speedcast’s continued commitment to support the Australian government’s most demanding needs across the country and beyond.”

Seismic Reading Application

Australia has a substantial number of sites around the country that use the seismic reading application, which is part of the regional Asia-Pacific tsunami warning program. Speedcast provides VSAT connectivity to these life-saving operations.

GPS Land Movement Application

Similar to seismic reading, Geoscience Australia’s GPS land application has many sites that use VSAT connectivity supplied by Speedcast. Geoscience Australia has a kit that is embedded in the surface of the earth that goes down to the rock layer to track land movements around the country. With superior connectivity, teams are able to read exact GPS information every two seconds to see how far the land has moved. The application is also used for smart-farming systems and has the potential to be used for future applications such as driverless vehicles.

Speedcast utilises two satellites and two landing stations to ensure high availability for data transmission to Geoscience Australia’s head office. The bandwidth for all sites is distributed via the iDirect platform. This combines with the 24/7 support of Speedcast’s Network Operations Centre in Adelaide to provide the highest reliability.

For more information about Speedcast, please visit www.speedcast.com.

About Speedcast International Limited

Speedcast International Ltd (ASX: SDA) is the world’s most trusted provider of highly reliable, fully managed, end-to-end remote communication and IT solutions. The company utilizes an extensive worldwide footprint of local support, infrastructure and coverage to design, integrate, secure and optimize networks tailored to customer needs. With differentiated technology, an intense customer focus and a strong safety culture, Speedcast serves more than 2,000 customers in over 140 countries via 39 teleports, including offshore rigs and cruise ships, 10,000+ maritime vessels and 4,500+ terrestrial sites. Speedcast supports mission-critical applications in industries such as maritime, oil and gas, enterprise, media, cruise and government. Learn more at www.speedcast.com.

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Speedcast® is a trademark and registered trademark of Speedcast International Limited. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

© 2017 Speedcast International Limited. All rights reserved.


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