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Timor Telecom Deploys New 4G/LTE Network with SES Networks Service Upgrade

2017/9/7 10:11:39  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Timor-Leste’slocaltelcooperatortodeliverfasterconnectivityandupgradedmobileservicesthroughoutthecountry LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Timo

Timor-Leste’s local telco operator to deliver faster connectivity and upgraded mobile services throughout the country

LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Timor Telecom (TT), the largest telecommunications operator in Timor-Leste, is expanding its service uptake with SES Networks by nearly 30% over the O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite fleet to roll out its new 4G/LTE network to customers across the country, SES announced todayTT will use the service upgrade to deliver enhanced connectivity and higher-speed mobile broadband services to meet the exponential growth in demand coming from new subscribers. The network expansion will also enable TT to provide a superior customer experience to its mobile data subscribers.

An early adopter of the MEO technology in 2014, TT has been using more than 1 Gbps of low latency bandwidth over the O3b MEO fleet for the past three years. The company has since upgraded service with SES Networks four times to keep up with rising demand from consumers. The company also benefits from site diversity with two SES Networks terminals deployed in Dili and Baucau, respectively, thereby achieving excellent service reliability and network availability far exceeding 99.9% with the SES MEO fleet.

Manuel Capitao Amaro, CEO at Timor Telecom, said, “All across Timor-Leste, mobile data demand from consumers has reached unprecedented heights. The fibre-like low latency capabilities of the O3b MEO fleet make it possible for Timor Telecom to provide an unparalleled mobile connectivity experience for our customers, through affordable and high speed mobile packages and services. With the connectivity provided by the MEO fleet, we are certain that our 4G/LTE mobile data services will significantly boost connectivity for our customers throughout the country.”

“SES Networks and Timor Telecom have worked closely since 2014 to successfully deliver reliable, high speed and high quality mobile data and broadband services,” said Imran Malik, Vice President, Fixed Data, Asia-Pacific at SES Networks. “4G/LTE is now the next stage of connectivity for Timor-Leste. Empowered by our MEO network, Timor Telecom is taking a leap forward to enable even faster and more advanced connectivity for their growing base of customers across the country, and we are excited to be a part of this development.”

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SES is the world-leading satellite operator and the first to deliver a differentiated and scalable GEO-MEO offering worldwide, with more than 50 satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and 12 in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). SES focuses on value-added, end-to-end solutions in two key business units: SES Video and SES Networks. The company provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators, governments and institutions. SES’s portfolio includes ASTRA, O3b and MX1, a leading media service provider that offers a full suite of innovative digital video and media services. SES is listed on the Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange (ticker: SESG). Further information available at: www.ses.com


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