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Palmarium Completes Acquisition of Lebara Group

2017/9/18 20:41:37  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LONDON--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Palmarium,throughtheirsubsidiaryVIEOB.V.todayannouncestheacquisitionofLebaraGroupB.V.andtheLebaraTrademarkComp


Palmarium, through their subsidiary VIEO B.V. today announces the acquisition of Lebara Group B.V. and the Lebara Trademark Companies.

Since its inception in 2001, Lebara is recognised as one of the fastest growing pan-European mobile companies. As the value brand for the world’s travelers, students and migrant community, Lebara offers inclusive and accessible products and services.

Through its 275 thousand outlets, Lebara has a unique reach to its growing customer base of over 3.5 million.

Lebara’s culture is driven by innovation and business successes and has a diverse workforce and best-in-class customer service with numerous industry awards.

Palmarium gives Lebara strong backing and expertise to grow and drive the digitalisation of the business.

The founders of Lebara are leaving the company. The new leadership team is led by Graeme Oxby as CEO.

Graeme Oxby is a highly experienced CEO for innovative telecoms companies, including prominent brands such Three and Virgin. At Virgin he transformed its business from prepay only to a contract business. Most recently he was Managing Director of Liberty Global’s European Mobile Business, where he successfully launched five new territories.

“Lebara is a vibrant and exciting growth business with a great deal of potential. I’m excited to be at the helm, and believe this acquisition, combined with the strength of the new leadership team and its strong investors, will take this business to the next level.” Oxby said.

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About Palmarium

Palmarium is a swiss private family office and investor with focus on alternative investments including private equity and real estate.

We leverage our networks to identify opportunities and structuring proprietary transactions around them, with the unique ability to manage complex businesses and situations. The rare combination of our deep sector knowledge and a singular commitment to our principals and partners is reflected in our performance and diverse portfolio of businesses.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170915005553/en/



Hannah Stephenson

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