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Collaboration with Sagemcom: Ooredoo Launches the First IoT Network in Tunisia

2017/12/5 15:43:32  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: RUEILMALMAISON,France--(BUSINESSWIRE)--OoredooTunisiaandSagemcomhavejustlaunchedthefirstTunisianInternetofThings(IoT)network,basedonL

RUEIL MALMAISON, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ooredoo Tunisia and Sagemcom have just launched the first Tunisian Internet of Things (IoT) network, based on LoRa™ technology. The network enables devices to exchange small amounts of data, with a standard battery providing independent battery life of up to 10 years.

This IoT network will also facilitate the development of solutions in various areas: Smart City (smart parking, presence detection, etc.), Smart Industry (machines predictive maintenance, asset management and tracking, logistics, etc.), Smart Environment (fire detection, etc.) and other uses in health, transport, agriculture, etc.

This launch will strengthen Ooredoo's activities in the Internet of Things. 'Following the marketing of the first connected device in 2014, the launch of the first M2M managed connectivity solution in 2015 and the success of the first tests on various long-range, low-consumption technologies, Ooredoo is today launching the first IoT network in Tunisia. This has been made possible through the license issued by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies in June,' said Youssef El Masri, CEO of Ooredoo Tunisia. 'We are proud to be the first operator in Tunisia to deploy this technology, which is globally recognised as the most successful Internet of Things solution,' he added.

Sagemcom believes that 'this close collaboration with Ooredoo will reinforce both our vision and strategy for the Industrial Internet of Things, through our SICONIA™ products and solutions, and our long-term presence and support in Tunisia and in the wider region'. Eric Rieul, CEO of Sagemcom Energy & Telecom, also stressed that 'Sagemcom is delighted to be able to support and expedite Ooredoo's IoT ambitions in Tunisia, thus contributing to the country's economic growth.'

About Sagemcom
A French high-tech group of international dimensions, Sagemcom operates on the broadband (set-top boxes, Multi-Gigabit gateways), smart city and Internet of Things (founding member of LoRa Alliance) markets.
With a revenue of 1.7 billion euros, Sagemcom employs 4,000 people on five continents. Sagemcom aims to stay a world leader in communicating terminals with high added value.
For more information:
www.sagemcom.com // www.facebook.com/SagemcomOfficial // https://twitter.com/Sagemcom

The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


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