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Murex to Offer MX.3 Risk, Trading and Post-Trade Solutions on the AWS Cloud

2017/12/14 9:20:29  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NewcollaborationwithAmazonWebServiceswillenableMurexclientstodeploy,testandoptimizetheMX.3platformonthecloud PARIS--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Mu

New collaboration with Amazon Web Services will enable Murex clients to deploy, test and optimize the MX.3 platform on the cloud

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Murex, an industry leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets, announced they will run their MX.3 technology platform on Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS).

With the acceleration of cloud adoption in capital markets, Murex and AWS agreed to collaborate to help clients migrate their Murex application workloads to the AWS Cloud. Murex clients are looking to consolidate more and more of their capital markets activity on the MX.3 platform and this means their need for infrastructure is increasing.

New regulatory requirements are also driving financial organizations to use cloud to scale up their computing capacity. Murex is collaborating with AWS to meet the demand from clients to support deployment of the Murex offering on the AWS Cloud. Murex is working on the validation of a range of deployment scenarios, from using AWS Cloud for bursting grid computing tasks through to complete migration to the AWS Cloud.

Philippe Helou, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Murex, commented, “Our goal is to enable our clients to leverage cloud to improve agility and to meet the ever increasing demand for infrastructure. Financial institutions are looking to the cloud for infrastructure elasticity and increased performance. In particular, grid computing brings tremendous value to our clients, and DBS Bank (DBS) is already live on the Murex risk grid on the AWS Cloud with impressive results. We are delighted to work in cooperation with AWS to ensure a smooth transition for even more of our clients to the cloud.”

David Gledhill, Group Chief Information Officer and Head of Group Technology and Operations, DBS Bank, comments, “We are glad to be the first to benefit from the Murex and AWS collaboration. Murex is at the core of our Treasury and Markets technology platform and we are already reaping the benefits of AWS Cloud’s elasticity for our grid computing infrastructure. In 2018, we expect a reduction of 70 percent of our Murex grid infrastructure cost, followed by a further reduction to 90 percent thereafter.”

Frank Fallon, Vice President, Global Financial Services at Amazon Web Services, Inc. said, “The Financial Services industry is constantly trying to balance the trade-off between compliance and innovation. Running risk management workloads on the AWS Cloud can help mitigate many of the issues that impede holistic, cost-effective risk management. We are excited to see DBS running the Murex risk grid on AWS, helping to enable them to realize the benefits of moving to the cloud – agility, elasticity, and not in investing in costly and complex infrastructure.”

About Murex (www.murex.com)

For more than 30 years, Murex has been providing enterprise-wide, cross-asset financial technology solutions to capital markets players. Its MX.3 platform supports trading, treasury, risk and post-trade operations, enabling clients to better meet regulatory requirements, manage enterprise-wide risk, and control costs. With more than 45,000 daily users in 60 countries, Murex has clients in many sectors, from banking and asset management to energy and commodities.

Murex is an independent company with 2,000 employees across 17 countries. Murex is committed to providing cutting-edge technology, superior customer service, and product innovation.


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