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KB Asset Management Singapore Picks Eze Software

2017/12/29 9:20:18  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NewOffshoreFundTapsEzePortfolioManagement&AccountingForSupport SINGAPORE--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- KBAssetManagementSingaporePteLtd,theoffshorea

New Offshore Fund Taps Eze Portfolio Management & Accounting For Support


KB Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd, the offshore asset management subsidiary of KB Financial Group, has engaged Eze Software to set up its portfolio management and accounting operations infrastructure to support its expansion plans. The firm was set up as an offshore subsidiary of KB Asset Management to attract global investors with international investment strategies. KB Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd. is in the process of setting up a new offshore long/short fund in the Cayman Islands, set to launch in February 2018. The firm will be using Eze Portfolio Management & Accounting to support its operations.

“As we embarked on our aggressive growth plans, we wanted to partner with a reputable technology provider that could support our growth globally,” said BH Chung, CEO and CIO at KB Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd. “Eze Software has a long history of consistent performance and service in the investment management market, and we are confident that it will provide us with the scalability and flexibility we need to expand.”

“We are excited to partner with KB Asset Management to help grow its offshore business,” said R.G. Manalac, Managing Director, APAC, Eze Software. “Asset management in APAC is experiencing tremendous growth, and end investors are increasingly demanding from asset managers a solid technology infrastructure for investment operations. We look forward to supporting KB Asset Management in its efforts to create a scalable technology operation.”

Since the beginning of 2016, Eze Software has signed on more than 40 clients in APAC, ranging from start-up managers with less than USD50 million in AUM to multi-billion dollar institutional asset managers. It was also named “Best Technology Provider – Innovation” in the 2016 HFM Asia Hedge Fund Services Awards. The company has also continued to build out client service support in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Hyderabad.

About Eze Software
Eze Software is a global leading provider of investment management software solutions designed to optimize operational and investment alpha throughout the entire investment process. Eze Software provides the platform for growth for the entire investment management community, maximizing efficiencies across order management, trade execution & analytics, portfolio analytics & modeling, compliance & regulatory reporting, commission management, and portfolio & investor accounting. For more than 20 years Boston-based Eze Software has been driving innovation in financial technology. Today, Eze Software partners with more than 2,500 buy- and sell-side institutions in 45 countries from their 15 offices worldwide. For more information, visit www.ezesoft.com.

About KB Asset Management
KB Asset Management is an investment arm and a member company of KB Financial Group, the largest financial conglomerate in South Korea. KBAM is one of the oldest and most established managers in South Korea. The company provides investment management services across all major asset classes and has a wide range of investment products covering various geographic locations and catering to the investment needs of a diverse client base, from retail individual investors to sophisticated institutional investors like pensions and life insurance companies.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20171227005534/en/


Eze Software Group
Veronica Belitski, +1 212-506-7523

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