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ABB and Formula E Partner to Write the Future of E-Mobility

2018/1/11 10:19:39  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: “ABBFIAFormulaEChampionship”bringspioneeringtechnologyleaderABBastitlesponsortotheworld’sfirstfullyelectricinternationalFIAmotorsportser

“ABB FIA Formula E Championship” brings pioneering technology leader ABB as title sponsor to the world’s first fully electric international FIA motorsport series

ZURICH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ABB and Formula E are teaming up in a ground-breaking partnership to champion e-mobility for a sustainable future. Since its first race in Beijing in September 2014, Formula E has established itself as the number one all-electric international motor sport. In the next level of development, global pioneering technology leader ABB is bringing its name and innovation and technology leadership to the series, which will be now known as the “ABB FIA Formula E Championship.”With its unrivalled expertise in electrification and leadership in electric vehicle charging solutions, with the largest installed base of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles worldwide, ABB is the ideal industry partner for Formula E. Formula E serves as a competitive platform to develop and test e-mobility-relevant electrification and digitalization technologies, helping refine the design and functionality of electric vehicles and infrastructure as well as the associated digital platforms. By joining forces, ABB and Formula E will be ideally positioned to push the boundaries of e-mobility.

“We are extremely excited to partner with Formula E in writing the future of e-mobility,” said ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer. “Today, two pioneers are uniting. ABB and Formula E are a natural fit at the forefront of the latest electrification and digital technologies. Together, we will write the next phase of this exciting sports activity and foster high-performance teams. Together, we will write the future – one electrifying race at a time.”

Alejandro Agag, founder and CEO of Formula E, said: “This is a historic day for Formula E and I’m honored to welcome the global technology leader ABB as the title partner of Formula E, with its background and expertise in the field of electrification and digital technologies. Our two companies are synonymous with pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Together, as partners, we will showcase breakthrough technology on a global scale to fans and consumers who follow the ABB FIA Formula E Championship.”

As the world leader in electric vehicle infrastructure, ABB offers the full range of charging solutions for electric cars, electric and hybrid buses as well as electrification solutions for ships and railways. ABB entered the EV-charging market back in 2010, and today has a fast growing global installed base of more than 6,000 fast chargers.

About the ABB FIA Formula E Championship

The ABB FIA Formula E Championship is the FIA electric street racing series and the world’s first fully-electric international single-seater category in motorsport. Formula E brings electrifying wheel-to-wheel action to the world’s leading cities, racing against the backdrop of iconic skylines such as New York, Hong Kong, Paris and Zurich.

The fourth edition of the series will see 10 teams and 20 drivers compete in 11 cities spanning five continents in the fight to be crowned ABB Formula E champion. The next race takes place in Marrakesh on January 13, with the 2018 championship coming to a close in July.

Follow Formula E:


Facebook: www.facebook.com/FIAFormulaE

Instagram: www.instagram.com/FIAFormulaE

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FIAFormulaE (@FIAFormulaE)

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/FIAFormulaE

ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, robotics and motion, industrial automation and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry and transport & infrastructure globally. Continuing a history of innovation spanning more than 130 years, ABB today is writing the future of industrial digitalization and driving the Energy and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. As title partner of Formula E, the fully electric international FIA motorsport class, ABB is pushing the boundaries of e-mobility to contribute to a sustainable future. ABB operates in more than 100 countries with about 136,000 employees. www.abb.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/ABBgroupnews

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/abb

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ABB

Instagram: www.instagram.com/abbgroup

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/abb

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