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Ferring Announces Recipients of Innovation Grants Program 2017-2018

2018/1/29 9:14:38  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SAINT-PREX,Switzerland--(BUSINESSWIRE)--FerringPharmaceuticalstodayannouncedtherecipientsofthe2017-2018InnovationGrantsProgram,anannu

SAINT-PREX, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ferring Pharmaceuticals today announced the recipients of the 2017-2018 Innovation Grants Program, an annual initiative of the Ferring Research Institute (FRI) based in San Diego. This global program supports research in the fields of reproductive medicine and women’s health, urology, gastroenterology, hepatology, and endocrinology.

“The quality of applications received in response to the 2017-2018 Ferring Innovation Grants call for proposals was outstanding. We have funded programs that we believe represent the leading edge of research in their therapeutic fields, and very much look forward to seeing the outcome of the innovative projects proposed by this year’s grant awardees,” said Keith James, President Ferring Research Institute, Senior Vice President Research and Development.

Now in its fifth year, the Innovation Grants Program received 300 submissions. Each submission was reviewed for its scientific merit, and a short list of finalists were invited to submit more detailed applications for consideration. A total of 13 projects were chosen to receive grant funding from Ferring this year. In addition to the United States, projects have been funded in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Portugal. This year’s recipients, together with the grant titles, are:

  • Stéphane Bolduc - CHU de Québec - Université Laval Research Center
    Identify protein(s) secreted by urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) involved in modification of tumor-associated stroma by activation of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAF).
  • Marcello Costa - Flinders University
    Enteric neuropeptides modulation of colonic motility in health and disease
  • Warren Foster - McMaster University
    Evaluation of a novel therapeutic intervention for the management of endometriosis in a mouse model
  • Andrew Horne - University of Edinburgh
    Targeting TGFβ-1 with an extracellular peptide inhibitor to treat women with peritoneal endometriosis
  • K. Joseph Hurt - University of Colorado School of Medicine
    Adiponectin receptor regulation of myometrial contractility suggests novel therapeutic targets to augment uterine quiescence and prevent preterm birth
  • Ursula Kaiser - Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
    Differential modulation of LH and FSH by GnRH analogs for improved treatment of reproductive disorders
  • Sarah Marshall - Monash University
    Exploring novel therapies for preeclampsia: the role of soluble prorenin receptor on vasculature function
  • Kathryn Meier - Washington State University
    FSH receptor as a therapeutic target in prostate cancer
  • Victor Navarro - Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
    Targeting the Kappa Opioid Receptor to Regulate LH Pulses in PCOS Patients
  • Willis Samson - Saint Louis University School of Medicine
    A Novel Ligand (Adropin) – Receptor (GPR19) Handshake: Implications for the Control of Growth Hormone Secretion
  • John Taylor - Kansas University Medical Center
    The Role of d-Dopachrome Tautomerase in Bladder Cancer Tumorigenesis
  • Suraj Unniappan - University of Saskatchewan
    Nesfatin-1 and Nesfatin-1-Like Peptide Regulation of Growth and Stress Hormones: Novel Targets for Endocrine Diseases
  • Henrique Veiga-Fernandes - Champalimaud Foundation
    Activation of type 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells and innate IL-22 secretion via RET signaling for Inflammatory Bowel Disease treatment

About Ferring Pharmaceuticals:

Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group committed to helping people around the world build families and live better lives. Headquartered in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, Ferring is a leader in reproductive medicine and women’s health, and in specialty areas within gastroenterology and urology. Ferring has been developing treatments for mothers and babies for over 50 years. Today, over one third of the company’s research and development investment goes towards finding innovative and personalised healthcare solutions to help mothers and babies, from conception to birth. Founded in 1950, Ferring now employs approximately 7,000 people worldwide, has its own operating subsidiaries in nearly 60 countries and markets its products in 110 countries.

Learn more at www.ferring.com and @Ferring, or connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

About Ferring Research Institute Inc:

Located in San Diego, California Ferring Research Institute Inc. (FRI) is a global therapeutics research center for Ferring Pharmaceuticals. FRI is committed to delivering a pipeline of innovative therapies which improve the lives of patients in the areas of reproductive medicine and women’s health, urology, gastroenterology and hepatology. For more detailed information please visit www.ferring-research.com.


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