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Philip Morris International Makes Call to Creative, Media and Communications Communities

2018/6/26 8:29:39  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: CANNES,France--(BUSINESSWIRE)--PhilipMorrisInternationalInc.(“PMI”)(NYSE:PM),todayannouncedaboldcalltoactionforthecreative,

CANNES, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Philip Morris International Inc. (“PMI”) (NYSE: PM), today announced a bold call to action for the creative, media and communications communities to embrace its ongoing commitment to creating a smoke-free world. As part of this initiative, PMI will offer smoke-free alternatives wherever we can, including heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes, to current smokers in the industry who would otherwise continue to smoke.

During a keynote at the PMI Science Lounge at The Cannes Festival of Creativity, SVP of Communications Marian Salzman said, “We are asking the creative community to join us in raising awareness of the potential of science, technology and innovation for those who smoke and the people around them.” The move is part of PMI’s vision to lead the charge towards greater innovation and technology in the tobacco industry, all of which is backed by science.

Agencies interested in joining the movement can contact Marian Salzman at marian.salzman@pmi.com.

People who smoke deserve information about better alternatives. The media industry can play an important role in making this happen, including by championing this initiative,” said Jacek Olczak, Chief Operating Officer of Philip Morris International. “Quitting tobacco and nicotine remains the best option for smokers, but for those who don’t, science-based non-combustible alternatives are a better choice than continuing to use cigarettes.” He continued, “We want a world where all people who would otherwise continue to smoke instead switch to less harmful alternatives. We started with a bold statement in Cannes: we are looking to create a world where all these smokers switch to better alternatives. Now it’s time to make sure people know we are serious. And now, we are following up with concrete actions.”

Emakina Group, an independent group of communication agencies in Europe, is the first agency network to declare its commitment to a smoke-free future by pledging support to the initiative across its 13 offices. “A smoke-free future for the whole company? Challenge accepted,” said Brice Le Blévennec, CEO, Emakina Group. “And you know what? Let’s start now!

PMI is developing and assessing a range of smoke-free alternatives to cigarettes including heated tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and other innovative technologies. The company is conducting extensive research to examine the risk reduction potential of the products compared to continued smoking. All evidence to date indicates that PMI’s smoke-free alternatives are a better choice for smokers than cigarettes.

Philip Morris International: Who We Are 
We are a leading international tobacco company engaged in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and other nicotine-containing products in markets outside the United States of America. We’re building our future on smoke-free products that are a much better consumer choice than continuing to smoke cigarettes. Through multidisciplinary capabilities in product development, state-of-the-art facilities and scientific substantiation, we aim to ensure that our smoke-free products meet adult consumer preferences and rigorous regulatory requirements. Our vision is that these products ultimately replace cigarettes to the benefit of adult smokers, society, our company and our shareholders. For more information, see our PMI and PMIScience websites.



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