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Tinubu Square Wins Eurocloud Award 2018 “Best Vertical SaaS Solution”

2018/7/6 9:54:28  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX,France--(BUSINESSWIRE)--TinubuSquare,aleadingprovideroftradecredit,bonding&suretyandreceivablesfinancesolutions

ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tinubu Square, a leading provider of trade credit, bonding & surety and receivables finance solutions, has been awarded the 2018 “Trophées du Cloud” by Eurocloud as “Best Vertical SaaS solution”. The company has been rewarded for its ability to support the digital transformation of the credit insurance industry.

During the 12th edition of the EuroCloud France “Trophées du Cloud” Awards yesterday, Tinubu Square won the award for the best “Vertical SaaS Solution”. This award ceremony, held during the Cloud Week Paris 2018, distinguished six companies amongst 52 applications. The aim was to highlight the success of the organisations in the cloud market.

The jury comprised 16 members, all experts and analysts in the cloud industry, and chose to reward Tinubu Square for its ability to rethink the management of commercial credit through a cloud-based platform which supports credit insurance companies during their digital transformation process.

“The cloud is in the DNA of our company. Our know-how is based on a cloud-based software platform in SaaS mode and also on risk underwriting services. These cloud-based solutions have been adopted by major international players and credit insurers all over the world. They have chosen our technology to overcome technical constraints & implementation time, and improve their competitiveness in the globalized market,“ said Jérôme Pezé, Founder and CEO of Tinubu Square.

Olivier Placca, Founder and Deputy CEO of Tinubu Square said: “It is a great honour for us to be recognized by this award, which will expand our visibility and credibility in the European market”.

About Tinubu Square

Delivering Insurance Digital Transformation

Founded in 2000, Tinubu Square is a software vendor, enabler of the Trade Credit, Surety and Receivables Finance digital transformation. Tinubu Square enables organizations across the world to significantly reduce their exposure to risk and their financial, operational and technical costs with best-in-class technology solutions and services. Tinubu Square provides SaaS solutions and services to different businesses including credit insurers, receivables financing organizations and multinational corporations. Tinubu Square has built an ecosystem of customers in over 20 countries worldwide and has a global presence with offices in Paris, London, New York, Montreal and Singapore. For more information: www.tinubu.com


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