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Seoul Semiconductor Delivers Its Innovative LED SunLike to U.S. Lighting Market

2018/7/21 21:37:39  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ANSAN,SouthKorea--(BUSINESSWIRE)--SeoulSemiconductorCo.,Ltd.(KOSDAQ:046890),amarketleaderinLED(lightemittingdiode)designandmanufacturin

ANSAN, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:046890), a market leader in LED (light emitting diode) design and manufacturing, announced that its innovative LED “SunLike” is applied to brand new lightings to be launched by three lighting premium brands in U.S., Pure Edge Lighting, LEDRAbrands, Inc. and Elite Lighting.

Seoul Semiconductor supplies SunLike to pendant lighting for Pure Edge, a U.S. lighting solution company. It is applied to high-end lighting for museums and art galleries that require the highest color quality. The leading lighting design companies, LEDRAbrands, Inc. and Elite Lighting, apply SunLike to downlights and spotlights respectively.

“We have selected Seoul Semiconductor’s innovative LED SunLike for our human centric lighting and believe that the lighting with SunLike will provide consumers with healthy light,” said Alex Ladjevardi, President of LEDRAbrands, Inc. “In the future, we will expand the application of SunLike to our high-end lighting due to its high quality, low glare and rich color on subjects below.”

SunLike was first unveiled on June 29 last year at the launching show held in Frankfurt, Germany, with Toshiba Materials Co., Ltd. which is its technology partner. Since its launch in the last year, Seoul Semiconductor has been recognized for SunLike’s differentiated value and competitiveness not only by global lighting customers in Korea, China, Japan and Europe, but also in the American lighting market.

It is an advanced light source that combines the latest optical and compound semiconductor technology of Seoul Semiconductor and *TRI-R technology, a sunlight spectrum reproduction technology, that is a registered trademark by the Toshiba Materials. SunLike that lows blue light peak similar to sunlight spectrum contributes to maintaining a stable human circadian rhythms and enhancing the color clarity of objects.

In addition, as a result of analyzing the blue light emitted by the LED SunLike, 25W single light source, it is the only product in the world that has received Eye Safety Certification for level RG-1 from Korea Testing & Research Institute last November. This is the level given to a safe light source without any photobiological hazards.

“SunLike has recently been featured in the influential media such as The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg and the global customers have been interested in our products,” said Minsu Son, marketing vice president of Seoul Semiconductor. “We will do our best to establish SunLike as a trend in the world premium lighting market.”

*TRI-R, supported by Toshiba Materials, finds in the definition “The light closest to the sun for human well-being” as its original concept. The sun light spectrum is developed by the same company and can be reproduced by a white LED light source technology.

About Seoul Semiconductor

Seoul Semiconductor develops and commercializes light emitting diodes (LEDs) for automotive, general illumination, specialty lighting, and backlighting markets. As the fourth-largest LED manufacturer globally, Seoul Semiconductor holds more than 12,000 patents, offers a wide range of technologies, and mass produces innovative LED products such as SunLike – delivering the world’s best light quality in a next-generation LED enabling human-centric lighting optimized for circadian rhythms; WICOP – a simpler structured package-free LED which provides market leading color uniformity and cost savings at the fixture level, providing high lumen density and design flexibility; NanoDriver Series – the world’s smallest 24W DC LED drivers; Acrich, the world's first high-voltage AC-driven LED technology developed in 2005, including all AC LED-related technologies from chip to module and circuit fabrication, as well as multi-junction technology (MJT); and nPola, a new LED product based on GaN-substrate technology that achieves more than ten times the output of conventional LEDs. UCD constitutes a high color gamut display which delivers more than 90% NTSC. To learn more, visit www.seoulsemicon.com.


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