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Alibaba Cloud Continues to Invest in Malaysia

2018/7/29 14:06:24  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LaunchesSecondAvailabilityZoneandtheFirstCloudBasedAnti-DDoSScrubbingCenter KUALALUMPUR,Malaysia--(BUSINESSWIRE)--AlibabaCloud,theclou

Launches Second Availability Zone and the First Cloud Based Anti-DDoS Scrubbing Center

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, today announced the launch of their second availability zone (“Availability Zone B”) in Malaysia to expand its cloud footprint and bolster its cloud capacity, serving increasing customer demand locally and in the region. The new zone complements Availability Zone A which was launched last year in heightening cloud security and ensuring business continuity through resilient cloud infrastructure.

Alibaba Cloud will also continue to invest in Malaysia by setting up the first cloud based Anti-DDoS Scrubbing Center in August. The center will mitigate risks and offer customers the highest level of protection against stronger DDoS attacks. The new center will feature a variety of security functions including Anti-DDoS Pro, a service that defends against all types of DDoS attacks.

“I welcome Alibaba Cloud’s effort to further support and enhance Malaysia’s digital economy. The world moves ever closer towards e-commerce and we see a considerable surge in demand by local industries to participate in this new economy on a global platform. Malaysia is now pushing ahead with efforts to strengthen its infrastructure with a view towards making access to the Internet a basic human right and categorising facilities which enhance access to broadband as a public utility. The success of our trade on a global platform with assistance of companies like Alibaba Cloud depends on an efficient Internet environment. The advanced technology afforded by Alibaba Cloud opens new opportunities, which I believe will quite substantially benefit Malaysia in its efforts to raise competition and efficiency in this new industry,” said Gobind Singh Deo, Malaysia’s Minister of Communications and Multimedia.

In addition to ensuring high availability and resiliency, Availability Zone B offers payment hardware security modules (HSM), elastic computing, database, networking and monitoring services. It is also certified for SAP hosting, the German-based global market leader in enterprise application software.

“Alibaba Cloud is committed to bringing elastic, scalable and secure cloud products and services to our Malaysian customers. The launch of our Availability Zone B and Anti-DDoS Scrubbing Center will enable us to offer even greater security and choice for our customers. At the same time, the launch will facilitate knowledge sharing with local enterprises and talents on how to use Alibaba Cloud technology to achieve a highly secure and resilient cloud infrastructure,” said Kenny Tan, Malaysia General Manager at Alibaba Cloud.

These new developments in Malaysia come on the back of a number of initiatives by Alibaba Cloud. Earlier this year, the company announced the collaboration with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) in the Malaysia City Brain Initiative to create a smart city powered by AI and big data.

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com), the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.

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