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SES Government Solutions to Support Air Combat Command Training and Testing Operations

2018/9/12 8:26:08  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SESGovernmentSolutionswillprovidecommercialKubandwidthforAirCombatCommandtrainingandtestingoperationsintheU.S. RESTON,Va.--(BUSINESSWIRE

SES Government Solutions will provide commercial Ku bandwidth for Air Combat Command training and testing operations in the U.S.

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SES Government Solutions (SES GS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SES, has teamed with prime contractor Bushtex, Inc. to provide commercial Ku bandwidth to U.S. Air Combat Command (ACC), SES announced today. This satellite communications capability will support training and testing operations in the continental U.S.

Bushtex Inc., a woman- and minority-owned small business based in Gilbert, AZ, is a satellite communications provider that currently delivers commercial services for a variety of Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. Government agencies. To support this contract, Bushtex leveraged SES GS’ extensive experience in providing satellite communication services for the U.S. DoD, and more specifically for the U.S. Air Force, over the past 30 years.

“We are proud to support Air Combat Command and our small business industry partner, Bushtex, for this network. It allows the mission partner to conduct training and operations that help validate and refine Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures,” said Pete Hoene, President and CEO of SES Government Solutions.

The contract is a 12-month base year with four one-year option periods starting on 1 August 2018. The total contract value is USD 29.3 million. The award includes the ability to provide optional surge capacity over the life of the contract, with a six-month extension option.

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About SES Government Solutions

SES Government Solutions (SES GS) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of global satellite operator SES. SES GS operates under a proxy board allowing them to provide services through contracts with the U.S. Government, including classified work. SES GS is exclusively focused on meeting the satellite communications needs of the U.S. Government. Leveraging more than four decades of experience in the government SATCOM market, SES Government Solutions offers robust and secure end-to-end satellite communications solutions. Further information can be found at www.ses-gs.com

About SES

SES is the world’s leading satellite operator with over 70 satellites in two different orbits, Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). It provides a diverse range of customers with global video distribution and data connectivity services through two business units: SES Video and SES Networks. SES Video reaches over 351 million TV homes, through Direct-to-Home (DTH) platforms and cable, terrestrial, and IPTV networks globally. The SES Video portfolio includes MX1, a leading media service provider offering a full suite of innovative services for both linear and digital distribution, and the ASTRA satellite system, which has the largest DTH television reach in Europe. SES Networks provides global managed data services, connecting people in a variety of sectors including telecommunications, maritime, aeronautical, and energy, as well as governments and institutions across the world. The SES Networks portfolio includes GovSat, a 50/50 public-private partnership between SES and the Luxembourg government, and O3b, the only non-geostationary system delivering fibre-like broadband services today. Further information is available at: www.ses.com

About Bushtex

Bushtex, Inc. is a woman and minority-owned small business based in Gilbert, AZ. Founded in 1994 by husband and wife team, Barry and Adelaida Severson, Bushtex has since expanded into a pool of experienced video, audio and satellite engineers, technicians and cameramen who specialize in remote satellite transmissions both domestically and internationally. With combined 45 years of experience in the business, Bushtex has supported remote satellite transmissions for television, corporations and the Government all over the world. The company’s mission is to provide SATCOM service to its clients with responsiveness, honesty, professionalism and clarity. Through their work with government agencies of DHS, CBP, MDA, Marine, Navy, NASA and Air Force missions, Bushtex has not only customized their RF links and ground stations, but also manages and operates their flight missions on the ground, with hand-offs to its NOC – providing experienced and secret cleared program managers, engineers and technicians. Years of expertise in the field for commercial broadcast news in high conflict areas effortlessly extend over to Bushtex’ ability to respond quickly and efficiently to the Government sector needs– work that Bushtex has been doing for the past 24 years. www.bushtex.com


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