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Alibaba Announces Smart Mobility Initiatives with Partners

2018/9/21 9:02:30  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Drivinginnovationinsmartmobilitywithanauto-parkingsolution,car-to-homeAIservicesandanInternetcar HANGZHOU,China--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Aliba

Driving innovation in smart mobility with an auto-parking solution, car-to-home AI services and an Internet car

HANGZHOU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA) announced today a series of smart mobility initiatives in partnership with auto brands and technology service providers. The announcement was made during The Cloud Computing Conference, the company’s largest technology showcase, held over four days in Hangzhou, Alibaba’s home base.

Partnering with Bosch on Automated Valet Parking

Alibaba Cloud, the cloud-computing arm of Alibaba Group, and Bosch, a leading global supplier of technology services, announced plans to introduce Automated Valet Parking (AVP) solutions in China. Both parties will work together to enable the infrastructure-based, driverless parking solution. The technology is powered by software in a cloud and it will offer a fully automated valet parking service in the near future.

As part of the cooperation, Bosch will provide its AVP technology, its experience in systems engineering and its IoT competencies. Alibaba Cloud, meanwhile, will share its technologies and its experience in cloud computing, data analysis and smart mobility. Both parties intend to explore building showcase sites to demonstrate next-generation AVP technology throughout China. The two companies are also committed to exploring future opportunities in connected mobility in China and abroad.

AVP is an ideal accompaniment to smart cities, an area in which both Bosch and Alibaba aim to become significant players. AVP is also an important milestone on the road to autonomous driving.

Partnering with Volvo Cars for Car-to-Home AI services

Alibaba A.I. Labs, the department leading consumer AI product development at Alibaba, announced it is upgrading its auto Artificial Intelligence solution, Tmall Genie Auto, by partnering with Volvo Cars and adding car-to-home AI services. Tmall Genie is an AI-powered smart assistant developed by the Labs. Through the upgraded solution, Volvo Cars drivers with a Tmall Genie-compatible device will be able to monitor and control their smart-home devices from their cars, starting next year. Some of the newly added services include:

  • Running a status check on humidity, temperature, light and air conditioning at home, as well as the on and off status of smart home appliances;
  • Controlling appliance functions, including turning on the heater, air conditioning, door lock and air purifier;
  • Turning on the “home model” when drivers are 10 minutes away from home, which readies smart appliances for your arrival while you’re still in the car.

Over 90 appliance brands are already in the Tmall Genie ecosystem, enabling over 600 smart home appliances to be easily connected for car-to-home AI services.

Last June, Alibaba A.I. Labs partnered with Daimler, Audi and Volvo Cars to offer home-to-car AI services through Tmall Genie Auto. The Labs also rolled out in-car AI services by integrating the speech-interaction and Natural Language Processing features of AliGenie, the AI platform behind Tmall Genie. This technology supports voice commands for different tasks, such as identifying nearby attractions and restaurants, booking hotels and movie tickets and ordering to-go boxes by activating the cars’ navigation and infotainment systems.

Partnering with Ford for New Internet Car

As part of the strategic cooperation inked last December between Alibaba Group and Ford, the auto brand today confirmed that Ford Kuga SUV customers will be able to order the car which has a 10.4-inch center screen and software powered by AliOS later this year. The debut of this technology in the Kuga marks another milestone in strengthening ties between the two leaders in their respective fields, and highlights the rapid growth of internet-connected cars in China. As of today, there are over 500,000 AliOS - equipped Internet vehicles on the road in China.

For the latest announcements and talks from The Cloud Computing Conference 2018, please refer to the Alizila page: https://www.alizila.com/the-computing-conference-2018-media-resources

About Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere, and the company aims to achieve sustainable growth for 102 years. For the fiscal year ended March 2018, the company reported revenues of US$39.9 billion.


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