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Kyriba Launches New Business Intelligence Solution to Arm CFOs and Treasurers with Strategic, Actionable Insights

2018/11/6 21:53:43  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: InaNewEraofInformationOverload,KyribaBusinessIntelligenceTransformsMountainsofFinancialDataintoVisualDashboardstoHelpExecutivesMakeSmart

In a New Era of Information Overload, Kyriba Business Intelligence Transforms Mountains of Financial Data into Visual Dashboards to Help Executives Make Smarter Global Business Decisions

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kyriba, the #1 provider of cloud treasury and financial management solutions, today announced the launch of Business Intelligence (BI), a new, fully integrated solution within its award-winning treasury and financial management platform. The solution, announced at the AFP 2018 Conference in Chicago, is designed to help finance and treasury executives dynamically visualize and convert their expanding volumes of financial data into actionable insights.

Due to an increasingly complex global business environment, many CFOs and senior finance leaders are becoming mired in rapidly growing volumes of financial data, with no easy way to pull out strategic insights, according to analysts.

“Data overload is real and is growing at the speed of modern business and technology. The smart move for finance executives is to adopt tools that help their teams better manage and interpret large data sets,” said Kevin Permenter at IDC. “Business intelligence solutions that bring together analysis and visual dashboarding give organizations a distinct competitive advantage.”

While standard reporting may be suitable for routine, activity-based metrics, Kyriba Business Intelligence is designed for performance-based treasury metrics and KPIs. For example, users can get instant insight into strategic questions such as “What risks are my cash flows exposed to?”, “Has our bank rationalization project met our bank fee reduction metric?”, “Are my global cash forecasts reliable?” and much more.

Key features include:

  • On-demand analysis – Quickly generate targeted analysis based on user-defined scenarios and drag and drop functionality
  • Smart visualizations – Uncover trends in data and data relationships through graphical exploration
  • Self-service reporting – Leverage pre-built KPIs and visualizations or build custom interactive dashboards within minutes
  • Fully integrated – Fully secured within Kyriba’s scalable cloud and ready for team collaboration and segregated data workflows
  • Ready to go – Can be deployed immediately, with instant access to current and historical data hosted by Kyriba

“Today’s CEOs and boards of directors are asking for – and even demanding – better analysis and KPIs to help guide the business,” said Jean-Luc Robert, Chairman and CEO at Kyriba. “Kyriba Business Intelligence delivers those metrics and strategic insight through highly visual dashboards, enabling faster, more effective global business decisions.”

The importance of business intelligence was reflected in a new study released last week by CFO Research and Kyriba, in which a majority of senior finance leaders cited data visualization as a top technology need for helping elevate the treasury function to match industry best practices. According to the survey, “3 Key Areas Where CFOs Say Strategic Treasurers Need to be More Strategic,” “data visualization and reporting” ranked second only behind “cash management,” and just ahead of “payments management.”

Industry expert David Miller, Treasurer and Senior Vice President of Hunt Companies, a holding company that invests in businesses focused in the real estate and infrastructure markets, agrees on the need for better visual analysis. “Data visualization tools like Kyriba’s Business Intelligence solution can enable a deeper level analysis of financial data and deliver actionable insights,” said Miller, a Kyriba client.

Kyriba will be exhibiting at the AFP 2018 Conference in Chicago, today and tomorrow, and its sales teams will be offering demonstrations of its all of its solutions, including Kyriba Business Intelligence. For more information, join us at booth 1132, or see more information at Kyriba.com.

About Kyriba Corp.

Kyriba empowers financial leaders and their teams with award-winning solutions for cash and risk management, payments and supply chain finance. Kyriba delivers a highly secure, 100 percent SaaS enterprise platform, superior bank connectivity and a seamlessly integrated solution set for tackling today’s most complex financial challenges. Thousands of companies, including many of the world’s largest organizations, rely on Kyriba to streamline key processes, protect against loss from fraud and cybercrime, and accelerate growth opportunities through improved decision support. Technology analyst firm IDC recognized Kyriba as a global leader in its MarketScape for SaaS and cloud-enabled treasury and risk management applications for 2017-2018. Kyriba is headquartered in New York, with offices in San Diego, Paris, London, Tokyo, Dubai and other major locations. For more information, visit www.kyriba.com.

To learn more about Kyriba PartnerSURGE, email Kyriba at treasury@kyriba.com.

Engage with Kyriba

  • Like Kyriba on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kyribacorp
  • Follow Kyriba on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/kyriba-corporation
  • Follow Kyriba on Twitter at www.twitter.com/kyribacorp
  • Read Kyriba’s blog at www.kyriba.com/blog


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