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TA Associates Announces 2019 Global Staff Promotions

2019/1/8 11:51:14  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: BOSTON--(BUSINESSWIRE)--TAAssociates,aleadingglobalgrowthprivateequityfirm,todayannouncedpromotionsearnedby10staffmembersinthefirm&rsqu

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TA Associates, a leading global growth private equity firm, today announced promotions earned by 10 staff members in the firm’s Boston, Menlo Park, Hong Kong and Mumbai offices, effective January 1, 2019.

“We are delighted to announce these team members’ promotions, which were earned through their hard work and dedication to TA, our portfolio companies and our limited partners,” said Brian J. Conway, Chairman and Managing Partner at TA Associates. “Each of these individuals have played an important role in our growth and evolution as a firm, and we are pleased to recognize their accomplishments and look forward to their continued successes and contributions to TA.”

Dhiraj Poddar was promoted to Managing Director from Director. He heads the Indian operations of TA Associates Advisory Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai, focusing on investments in companies in India. Mr. Poddar advised on TA’s investments in Atria Convergence Technologies (ACT), Fincare, Fractal Analytics, Ideal Cures, IndiaIdeas.com (BillDesk), Prudent Corporate Advisory Services, RateGain, Shilpa Medicare and Tega Industries. He serves on the Board of Directors of Atria Convergence Technologies (ACT), Fincare, Fractal Analytics, Ideal Cures, IndiaIdeas.com (BillDesk), Prudent Corporate Advisory Services and Tega Industries, and is a Board Observer of RateGain. Mr. Poddar received a degree from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

Ethan Liebermann was promoted to Director from Principal. He is based in TA’s Boston office, focusing on investments in healthcare companies. Mr. Liebermann led TA’s investments in Aldevron and MedRisk; co-sponsored CCRM, Datix and SoftWriters; and was actively involved in the firm’s investment in eviCore healthcare (formerly MedSolutions). He serves on the Board of Directors of Aldevron, CCRM and Datix, and formerly served on the Board of MedRisk and SoftWriters. Prior to joining TA in 2007, Mr. Liebermann worked in the Global Healthcare Corporate and Investment Banking group at Banc of America Securities. He received a BA degree in Economics and Biology from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Jason Mironov was promoted to Director from Principal. He is based in TA’s Menlo Park office, focusing on investments in business, financial, technology-enabled and other services companies in North America. Mr. Mironov led TA’s investment in Procare Software; co-sponsored Conservice, DiscoverOrg and Plusgrade; and was actively involved in the firm’s investment in The Collected Group (formerly Dutch). He serves on the Board of Directors of Conservice, DiscoverOrg and Procare Software, and formerly served on the Board of Plusgrade. Prior to joining TA in 2012, Mr. Mironov was an Associate at Spectrum Equity Investors and also worked in the Investment Banking Division of JP Morgan in New York and Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as at Technology Crossover Ventures. He received a BBA degree, with Distinction, from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Clara Jackson was promoted to Principal from Senior Vice President. She is based in TA’s Boston office, focusing on investments in financial services and technology and other services companies in North America. Ms. Jackson co-sponsored TA’s investment in Financial Information Technologies (Fintech), NorthStar Financial Services Group, Rectangle Health (formerly Retriever Medical/Dental Payments) and Russell Investments. She serves on the Board of Directors of Financial Information Technologies (Fintech) and NorthStar Financial Services Group, and is a Board Observer of Russell Investments. Prior to joining TA in 2014, Ms. Jackson was a Vice President at Fireman Capital Partners, where she served on the Board of Directors of Skip Hop. She was previously an Associate at TPG Growth and an Analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. Ms. Jackson received a BS degree, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, in Economics from Vanderbilt University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Emily McGinty was promoted to Principal from Senior Vice President. She is based in TA’s Menlo Park office, focusing on investments in healthcare companies in North America. Ms. McGinty led TA’s investment in Behavioral Health Works and Healix, where she also serves on the Board of Directors. She was actively involved in the firm’s investment in eviCore healthcare (formerly MedSolutions). Prior to joining TA in 2007, Ms. McGinty worked in the Consumer, Healthcare and Retail Group at JPMorgan Securities. She received a BA degree, summa cum laude, in Economics from Boston College and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Daniel Brujis was promoted to Senior Vice President from Vice President. He is based in TA’s Hong Kong office of TA Associates Asia Pacific Ltd., focusing on investments in companies in the Asia-Pacific region with a focus on technology, consumer products, business and financial services. Mr. Brujis has been actively involved in TA’s investments in Fisher Funds, RateGain, Söderberg & Partners, Speedcast International and Yarra Capital Management. He is a Board Observer of Yarra Capital Management. Before joining the Hong Kong office, Mr. Brujis spent three years with TA in London focusing on European investments. Prior to joining TA in 2011, he was an Investment Banking Analyst in the Financial Institutions Group at Lazard Frères & Co. Mr. Brujis received a BS degree, magna cum laude, in Operations Research and Financial Engineering from Columbia University.

Michael Libert was promoted to Senior Vice President from Vice President. He is based in TA’s Boston office, focusing on investments in technology companies. Mr. Libert has been actively involved in TA’s investments in Answers, Bomgar, IDERA, insightsoftware, MRI Software, Nintex, PDI and Prometheus Group. He serves on the Board of Directors of insightsoftware and Nintex, and is a Board Observer of IDERA, MRI Software and PDI. Prior to joining TA in 2011, Mr. Libert led Corporate Strategy for Nintex and worked as an Associate Consultant at Bain & Company. He received an AB degree, cum laude, in Economics from Harvard College and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Tony Marsh was promoted to Chief Capital Markets Officer from Director of Capital Markets. He is based in TA’s Boston office, and leads all new acquisition financings and capital markets activities for TA portfolio companies globally, as well as manages the firm’s relationships with corporate finance providers and advisors. Prior to joining TA in 2013, Mr. Marsh was a Director at Credit Suisse in the Financial Sponsors Group, focusing on leveraged finance transactions. He received a BS degree in Business Management from Brigham Young University and an MBA, with Distinction, from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Melanie Toomey was promoted to Chief Financial Officer, Management Company from Corporate Controller. She is based in TA’s Boston office, and is responsible for the accounting and financial reporting for TA’s investment adviser, co-investment program and general partner entities. Prior to joining TA in 2007, Ms. Toomey was a Finance Manager at Investors Bank & Trust Company. She also was an Auditor at Ernst & Young LLP. Ms. Toomey received a BS degree in Business Administration and an MA degree in Accounting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and is a Certified Public Accountant.

Gregory Wallace was promoted to Chief Financial Officer, Funds from Fund Controller. He is based in TA’s Boston office, and is responsible for oversight of the financial operations of the TA Funds, including the preparation of financial statements, valuation, cash management and tax compliance. Prior to joining TA in 2010, Mr. Wallace was an Audit Manager in the Asset Management practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He received a BS degree in Analytical Finance and an MS degree in Accounting from Wake Forest University, and is a Certified Public Accountant.

About TA Associates

TA Associates is one of the largest and most experienced global growth private equity firms. Focused on five target industries – technology, healthcare, financial services, consumer and business services – TA invests in profitable, growing companies with opportunities for sustained growth, and has invested in more than 500 companies around the world. Investing as either a majority or minority investor, TA employs a long-term approach, utilizing its strategic resources to help management teams build lasting value in growth companies. TA has raised $24 billion in capital since its founding in 1968 and is committing to new investments at the pace of $2 billion per year. The firm’s more than 85 investment professionals are based in Boston, Menlo Park, London, Mumbai and Hong Kong. More information about TA Associates can be found at www.ta.com.


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