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Resolute Mining Connects Syama Operations to the Cloud with SES Networks

2019/1/28 8:39:47  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: High-performancesatelliteserviceenablesResoluteMiningtofullydigitiseandconnectremoteoperationswhilecapitalisingoncloud-basedapplications

High-performance satellite service enables Resolute Mining to fully digitise and connect remote operations while capitalising on cloud-based applications

LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Resolute Mining Limited is revolutionising its operations in Mali by bringing high-speed, low-latency connectivity to its Syama mining site, SES announced today. The fully-managed SES Networks satellite data connectivity solution enables enterprise cloud applications and helps enhance safety and productivity.

Resolute Mining is building the world’s first purpose-built, fully automated sublevel cave gold mine at Syama and is adopting high-speed connectivity that enables the use of high-tech applications and equipment, among other capabilities. SES Networks’ fibre-like service delivered via its O3b Medium Earth Orbit satellite constellation extends the high-capacity fibre-optic network that Resolute Mining is installing throughout the mine.

“This SES Networks solution is a game-changer, as it allows us an unprecedented level of digitalisation of the remote mining site in Syama, bringing the same high speeds as if it was via fibre,” said Jodie Hatch, Chief Technology Officer at Resolute Mining. “With this transformational capability, we can increase our technology adoption and as a result increase our safety and productivity performance.”

“We are delighted to deliver this fibre-like connectivity service to Resolute Mining, enabling them to make a technological leap and adopt cutting-edge solutions and applications in this very remote location in Mali,” said Carole Kamaitha, Vice President of Fixed Data Sales Africa at SES Networks. “In addition, the fully-managed solution means that Resolute Mining can focus on its business and the applications it requires to increase productivity, instead of network management.”

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About Resolute Mining

Resolute is a successful gold miner with more than 28 years of experience as an explorer, developer, and operator of gold mines in Australia and Africa. The Company has operated nine gold mines which have produced more than 8 million ounces of gold. Resolute currently owns three gold mines, the Syama Gold Mine in Mali, the Ravenswood Gold Mine in Australia and the Bibiani Gold Mine in Ghana. For the financial year ending 30 June 2019, Resolute expects to produce 300,000oz of gold at an All-In Sustaining Cost of US$960/oz (A$1,280/oz). The Company has a pathway to annual gold production in excess of 500,000oz from a Global Mineral Resource base of 16.5 million ounces.

In December 2018, Resolute commenced sublevel cave mining at its new Syama Underground gold mine. The successful development of the Syama Underground Mine represents a pivotal moment in the long history of Resolute. Syama will be the world’s first, purpose built, fully automated sublevel cave gold mine. It is a world class, long life, low cost asset that will deliver long term benefits to the company’s shareholders, stakeholders, and local Mali communities for years to come. Further information is available at www.rml.com.au

About SES

SES is the world’s leading satellite operator with over 70 satellites in two different orbits, Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). It provides a diverse range of customers with global video distribution and data connectivity services through two business units: SES Video and SES Networks. SES Video reaches over 351 million TV homes, through Direct-to-Home (DTH) platforms and cable, terrestrial, and IPTV networks globally. The SES Video portfolio includes MX1, a leading media service provider offering a full suite of innovative services for both linear and digital distribution, and the ASTRA satellite system, which has the largest DTH television reach in Europe. SES Networks provides global managed data services, connecting people in a variety of sectors including telecommunications, maritime, aeronautical, and energy, as well as governments and institutions across the world. The SES Networks portfolio includes GovSat, a 50/50 public-private partnership between SES and the Luxembourg government, and O3b, the only non-geostationary system delivering fibre-like broadband services today. Further information is available at: www.ses.com


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