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Airtel Inks Deal with Juniper Networks to Further Expand Broadband Network Coverage Across India

2021/12/13  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NEWDELHI--(BUSINESSWIRE)--JuniperNetworks(NYSE:JNPR),aleaderinsecure,AI-drivennetworks,todayannouncedthatithasbeenselectedbyBhartiAirtel(Airtel),India&rs

NEW DELHI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that it has been selected by Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India’s premier communications solutions provider, to deliver network upgrades for the expansion of Airtel’s nationwide broadband coverage across India.

Airtel has rapidly expanded its Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) broadband coverage to over 430 towns with plans of covering 30 million households in over 2,000 cities in the next three years. In support of this increased nationwide penetration into many previously underserved cities and markets, the latest network upgrades build on the strong long-term relationship between Airtel and Juniper Networks.

As part of the deal, Juniper Networks will supply, install and provide support for upgrades to the MX Series routers and line cards as part of its market-leading broadband network gateway (BNG) to manage their subscribers and services, as well as carrier-grade NAT (CGNAT) solutions to ensure secure encryption across the network respectively.

Commenting on the partnership, Sajan Paul, Managing Director & Country Manager, India & SAARC, Juniper Networks, said, “We are privileged to have been Airtel’s partner for the last 15 years, growing alongside them as they have expanded their broadband and ISP network, in service of India’s home, SMB and large enterprise customers. At Juniper, we strive to deliver network experiences that transform how people connect, work and live. As Airtel gears up their network for 5G, we are excited to continually contribute towards their network transformation, not just in support of their fiber-to-the-home broadband services expansion, but also for other use cases and applications across various business segments.”

Additional Resources:

  • Product & Solution Pages: Juniper Networks MX Series Universal Routing Platforms
  • Follow Juniper Networks online: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
  • Juniper Blogs and Community: J-Net

About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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