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Vodafone Cook Islands to Deliver 4G+ Networks throughout the Cook Islands using SES’s O3b mPOWER

2022/12/25  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Vodafonetoextend4GnetworksviaitsMobileBackhaulmPOWEREDservicetoouterislandswiththeaimtobridgetheislandcountry’sdigitaldivide LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--C

Vodafone to extend 4G networks via its Mobile Backhaul mPOWERED service to outer islands with the aim to bridge the island country’s digital divide

LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Customers of Vodafone Cook Islands, the leading telecommunications services provider in the Cook Islands, will be able to experience 4G+ networks and high-performance internet connectivity across the outer islands due to a new O3b mPOWER agreement signed with SES. O3b mPOWER is SES’s second-generation medium earth orbit (MEO) system which sets a new standard of high-performance services for governments and enterprises around the world.

During O3b mPOWER launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, both companies announced that Vodafone Cook Islands will leverage SES’s Mobile Backhaul mPOWERED service enabled by O3b mPOWER satellites to deliver increased access to online services in health, education banking, and commerce for the residents, giving the islands’ tourism a major boost. Mobile Backhaul mPOWERED delivers guaranteed, multi-gigabit per second connectivity. This expanded partnership is also part of Vodafone’s plan to extend the same level of services to the outer islands and will see islands such as Manihiki enjoy improved broadband and mobile network access. Furthermore, it will also incentivise people to live and work in the outer islands.

Vodafone Cook Islands was the first customer in the region to use SES’s current-generation O3b satellite system at medium earth orbit (MEO) in 2014 to deliver 3G/4G services to the remote nation. With Mobile Backhaul on O3b mPOWER, Vodafone Cook Islands will be able to better support its customers with groundbreaking high-throughput, low-latency connectivity.

O3b mPOWER offers more than 100 times the throughput of GEO solutions, making it a performant solution capable of accelerating the transformation of the Cook Islands into a digitally empowered economy.

“The new agreement with Vodafone Cook Islands is our latest win in bridging the digital divide for remote communities across the world,” said John Turnbull, Fixed Data Director for Pacific at SES. “With this agreement, residents on the Cook Islands, including those in some of the most remote locations like the outer islands, will be able to enjoy access connectivity that is comparable to anywhere else in the world. Mobile Backhaul will allow them to stay connected with their loved ones and the greater world beyond the islands. With this, we continue to champion connectivity for millions of people that lack stable Internet access, ensuring they have access to the same opportunities as the rest of the world.”

“We are glad to continue partnering with SES to bring the second-generation MEO satellite constellation O3b mPOWER to the Cook Islands, helping to improve connectivity to the outer islands and further contribute to the islands’ socioeconomic growth,'' said Phillip Henderson, CEO at Vodafone Cook Islands.

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About SES

SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless connectivity around the world. As the leader in global content connectivity solutions, SES operates the world’s only multi-orbit constellation of satellites with the unique combination of global coverage and high performance, including the commercially-proven, low-latency Medium Earth Orbit O3b system. By leveraging a vast and intelligent, cloud-enabled network, SES is able to deliver high-quality connectivity solutions anywhere on land, at sea or in the air, and is a trusted partner to the world’s leading telecommunications companies, mobile network operators, governments, connectivity and cloud service providers, broadcasters, video platform operators and content owners. SES’s video network carries ~8,000 channels and has an unparalleled reach of 366 million households, delivering managed media services for both linear and non-linear content. The company is listed on Paris and Luxembourg stock exchanges (Ticker: SESG). Further information is available at: www.ses.com.

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