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Rimini Street to Present at the 25th Annual Needham Growth Conference

2023/1/7  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LASVEGAS--(BUSINESSWIRE)--RiminiStreet,Inc.(Nasdaq:RMNI),aglobalproviderofenterprisesoftwareproductsandservices,theleadingthird-partysupportproviderforOr

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner, today announced that Seth A. Ravin, Rimini Street CEO & Chairman of the Board, Michael L. Perica, chief financial officer, and Dean Pohl, vice president of Investor Relations, will virtually present at the 25th Annual Needham Growth Conference on January 12, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

Participants can watch live at the following link: https://wsw.com/webcast/needham128/rmni/2266782 or stream the session live on the Rimini Street Investor Relations site at https://investors.riministreet.com/. The webcast will be archived for 90 days following the event.

Rimini Street leadership will be available for virtual one-on-one meetings during the conference. To schedule a meeting, please contact your Needham salesperson or Rimini Street Investor Relations team at IR@riministreet.com.

About Rimini Street, Inc.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a Russell 2000® Company, is a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner. The Company offers premium, ultra-responsive and integrated application management and support services that enable enterprise software licensees to save significant costs, free up resources for innovation and achieve better business outcomes. To date, over 4,900 Fortune 500, Fortune Global 100, midmarket, public sector, and other organizations from a broad range of industries have relied on Rimini Street as their trusted application enterprise software products and services provider. To learn more, please visit http://www.riministreet.com, and connect with Rimini Street on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. (IR-RMNI)

© 2023 Rimini Street, Inc. All rights reserved. “Rimini Street” is a registered trademark of Rimini Street, Inc. in the United States and other countries, and Rimini Street, the Rimini Street logo, and combinations thereof, and other marks marked by TM are trademarks of Rimini Street, Inc. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, and unless otherwise specified, Rimini Street claims no affiliation, endorsement, or association with any such trademark holder or other companies referenced herein.

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