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Yugabyte Releases YugabyteDB Voyager to Accelerate Cloud Native Adoption through Simple, Risk-Free Migration

2023/2/3  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NewMigrationLifecycleToolHelpsEnterprisesOvercomeMigrationChallengesfromLegacyandSingle-CloudDatabases SUNNYVALE,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Yugabyte,theleadin

New Migration Lifecycle Tool Helps Enterprises Overcome Migration Challenges from Legacy and Single-Cloud Databases


Yugabyte, the leading open source distributed SQL database company, today announced the general availability of YugabyteDB Voyager—a unified database migration solution. With YugabyteDB Voyager, organizations of all sizes can leave behind the limitations of legacy and single-cloud databases, and accelerate their cloud and application modernization initiatives by seamlessly evolving to an end-to-end cloud native, distributed architecture.

Gartner predicts cloud spending will overtake traditional IT spending by 2025, with more than half (51%) of IT spending in the cloud. The migration to cloud is driving organizations to prioritize application modernization and multi-cloud initiatives, but the complexity of moving underlying data to a modern database has delayed efforts, resulting in productivity loss, increased risk, and higher operational costs.

YugabyteDB Voyager enables enterprises to manage the broader lifecycle of database modernization with a single, flexible cloud native solution. As a result, organizations can lower their operational costs and reduce overall risk.

“Our customers want to accelerate their cloud and application initiatives but database migration is often the biggest barrier preventing them from moving these projects forward. The operational complexity of migrating hundreds of databases from legacy RDBMSs, used for decades, to a modern cloud native distributed SQL database, can be daunting,” said Karthik Ranganathan, CTO and co-founder, Yugabyte. “YugabyteDB Voyager eliminates this hurdle by providing an end-to-end database migration tool that simplifies the move to YugabyteDB by offering identical steps to migrate databases from any source database to YugabyteDB deployed in any environment. This eliminates the need to research multiple tools and retrain the database team.”

By accelerating cloud native adoption through YugabyteDB Voyager, organizations can lower costs by reducing legacy database spend, increasing data density, and reducing day 2 operational demands. In addition, YugabyteDB Voyager helps reduce overall risk by providing a consistent and proven process to migrate both schema and data from legacy database systems, including Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL, and from traditional single-cloud databases, like AWS RDS, Aurora, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

“Through 2024, six in ten organizations will re-examine current operational database suppliers with a view of supporting more agile and intelligent operational applications and improving fault tolerance,” says Matt Aslett, VP and research director, Ventana Research. “Distributed SQL databases specifically designed to provide scalability and resiliency that extend beyond a single data center or cloud instance are attractive options. Database migrations can be costly and complex. Products designed to facilitate database migration and modernization, like YugabyteDB Voyager, are therefore increasingly important to organizations as they evaluate potential data platform providers.”

First announced as a beta offering in 2022, the generally available release includes a number of additional updates and new capabilities based on feedback from a strong set of beta customers, as well as ongoing engineering investment. A new Installer greatly improves the deployment and usability of YugabyteDB Voyager, streamlining the process of getting started.

"As a leader in world-class advertising and marketing services, Genxlead needed to match our innovative, data-driven services with a modern data layer that could seamlessly adapt to a rapidly evolving industry. As a fully-managed distributed database-as-a-service, YugabyteDB Managed was selected as it exceeded our expectations around scalability, performance, and operational simplicity," said Madhan Kumar, Founder of Genxlead. "To simplify the migration from our legacy databases, we were excited to embrace YugabyteDB Voyager. We completed a successful PoC that allowed us to load 120M records with YugabyteDB Voyager - an end-to-end migration product. We look forward to moving our production workloads with YugabyteDB Voyager and accelerating our cloud-native adoption."

“As a total service provider of open source software with deep expertise in PostgreSQL, SRA OSS helps customers around the world simplify and accelerate their database modernization initiatives,” said Kaori Inaba, President, SRA OSS LLC. “As a strong believer in the future of distributed SQL, we have high hopes that Yugabyte will continue to lead the industry forward with new innovations. The general availability of YugabyteDB Voyager is an important step forward on the journey to help accelerate the YugabyteDB adoption by simplifying the migration from existing databases.”

"Since its founding in 1995, Insight Technology has been constantly thinking about how to maximize the value of data across enterprises and has continued to provide the necessary products and services with our team of database experts. We are very excited to see Yugabyte deliver an end-to-end migration solution in YugabyteDB Voyager,” said Takuma Matsuo, Product Management Division, Insight Technology, Inc. “We expect this new tool to be a huge help to enterprise customers struggling to move their applications to a modern cloud environment because of the barriers involved in moving data and escaping the challenges of legacy, monolithic databases.”

To learn more about YugabyteDB Voyager, visit https://www.yugabyte.com/voyager/.

About Yugabyte

Yugabyte is the company behind YugabyteDB, the open source, high-performance distributed SQL database for building global, cloud-native applications. YugabyteDB serves business-critical applications with SQL query flexibility, high performance and cloud-native agility, thus allowing enterprises to focus on business growth instead of complex data infrastructure management. It is trusted by companies in cybersecurity, financial markets, IoT, retail, e-commerce, and other verticals. Founded in 2016 by former Facebook and Oracle engineers, Yugabyte is backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners, 8VC, Dell Technologies Capital, Sapphire Ventures, and others. www.yugabyte.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230201006056/en/


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