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Rovensa Group Launches Rovensa Next, a New Global Biosolutions Business Unit to Shape a Sustainable Future for Agriculture

2023/2/10  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: BERLIN--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Facedwithglobalchallengesduetoagrowingpopulationandclimatechange,amongothers,farmersneedasolutiontofeedtheplanetthroughhealthyands


Faced with global challenges due to a growing population and climate change, among others, farmers need a solution to feed the planet through healthy and safe solutions. Today, Rovensa Group, a global leader of agricultural inputs for sustainable agriculture, answers that need with Rovensa Next, a new global business unit dedicated to biosolutions for agriculture that aims to give back to the Earth what the Earth gives to us. Rovensa Next makes its debut this week at Fruit Logistica Berlin (Hall 1.2, Stand B-50), the leading trade fair for the fresh fruit industry.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230208005486/en/

Rovensa Next aggregates ten Rovensa Group companies, creating a holistic platform of innovative biosolutions to shape a sustainable future for agriculture and drive its bio-transformation. With this announcement, Agrichembio, Agrotecnología, Idai Nature, Microquimica, MIP Agro, OGT, Oro Agri, Rodel, SDP, and Tradecorp will become part of the new business unit, combining local technical knowledge, innovation and teams that work alongside farmers and distributors in the field to solve their sustainability challenges, with the global expertise and leadership of Rovensa Group.

Eric van Innis, Rovensa Group CEO, stated: “With this flagship project Rovensa Next, and our holistic platform of biosolutions, we are taking a strategic step forward in our goal to be a reference provider of well-balanced and sustainable solutions for agriculture. Farmers and distributors do not need a singular product or a multi-card generalist; they need specialised advisors to help them create a potent strategy that considers their local environment and challenges. Rovensa Next is our answer to our partners’ needs for sustainable crop management that leads to safe and healthy products with better quality and increased yield.”

Betting on sustainability, innovation, and technical expertise, Rovensa Next unites a global network of 30 R&D laboratories, excellence centres, fields, and greenhouses; 14 production plants; more than 84 partnerships with research centres and universities; 100 R&D and innovation specialists; and a dedicated team of more than 850 field expertsi. All of this allows Rovensa Next to be the pioneer on cutting-edge research to create more effective and environmentally friendly biosolutions that don’t compromise on performance or quality.

Carlos Ledó, Co-Chief Operating Officer of Rovensa Next, commented: “With a rising population and a rapidly changing climate, there is a clear need to transform the agricultural sector. The formation of Rovensa Next, consisting of ten brands with entrepreneurship in their DNA, gives us the right talent, know-how, expertise, and innovation to drive the necessary change in agriculture. The time is now for sustainable transformation.”

José Alfredo García, Co-Chief Operating Officer of Rovensa Next, added:We want to be a trusted partner that helps our customers drive sustainable transformation without compromising on performance and yield output. Our unique value add is our team of field experts that work on the ground with growers to understand their needs and solve their challenges. By uniting all of our local and specialised expertise in various crops and geographical areas into one global portfolio of solutions, we aim to help facilitate, or even kickstart, the bio-transformation for customers, ultimately helping to shape an overall more sustainable future.”

With the new business unit, Rovensa Group anticipates a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion by 2025i. Today’s announcement marks the beginning of the global transition to Rovensa Next followed by local implementation across all countries from July 2023.

For more information, go to www.rovensanext.com

About Rovensa Group

Rovensa Group is a global leader in agricultural solutions for sustainable agriculture. It is a group of companies that develop, manufacture, and commercialise agricultural solutions to help farmers produce safe, healthy and nutritious food for all.

Committed to generating a positive impact through its companies, more than 4,000 employees strive each day to contribute to our mission of feeding the planet. With more than 30 Research and Development (R&D) experimental centres and laboratories across the world, we are leading the change in agriculture through science-led innovation to continuously develop pioneering agricultural inputs to preserve and enhance soil, environmental, and human health. We are providing farmers, spread over 80 countries across the globe, a complementary portfolio of solutions for bionutrition, biocontrol and crop protection to support the transition towards a more well-balanced agriculture, enabling them to grow a larger quantity and higher quality of food with fewer natural resources.

For more information, go to www.rovensa.com

  1. Rovensa Next figures including ten aggregated companies and the Cosmocel acquisition.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230208005486/en/


For further information:  
Rovensa Next  
Elisa Lipperheide  
Global Communication Manager  
m. +34 687 111 148

Chelsey Rodowicz  
Ogilvy PR  
m. +34 620 035 403 

José Alfredo García, Co-COO Rovensa Next, Javier Calleja, incoming CEO Rovensa Group, Eric van Innis, CEO Rovensa Group and Carlos Ledó, Co-COO Rovensa Next (Photo: Business Wire)

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