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i2c powers QNB Group’s digital issuance for the Visa FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 prepaid card

2022/12/18  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Implementationdemonstratesspeed-to-marketandtheenablementofbespokedigitalmobilefinancialsolutions REDWOODCITY,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- i2cInc.,aleadingprovi

Implementation demonstrates speed-to-market and the enablement of bespoke digital mobile financial solutions


i2c Inc., a leading provider of digital payment and banking technology, today announced its partnership with QNB Group, the Official Middle East and Africa Supporter of the FIFA World Cup 2022™ to power the digital issuance of the Visa FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Prepaid Card.

By leveraging i2c’s agile banking and payments platform, QNB Group is issuing virtual Visa prepaid cards to end users' mobiles, securely enabling digital and NFC-based contactless digital payments as well as Apple Pay.

“We are honored to support such an innovative and impactful use case in support of one of the world’s most beloved events,” said Amir Wain, founder and CEO of i2c. “By operating on our secure, highly-configurable platform, QNB Group is providing fans a great digital-first payments experience and an easy and simple way to pay.”

“As the Official Middle East and Africa Supporter of the FIFA World Cup 2022™, we are extremely proud to bring this product to market and to be able to participate in the enhancement of the banking user experience. We are also grateful for our partnership and combined efforts with i2c,” said Mr. Adel Ali Al-Malki, General Manager QNB Group Retail Banking of QNB Group. He also added, “Through their expertise, dedication and technology we were able to deliver a truly innovative product in record time and on the world’s greatest stage.”

More than one million visitors are expected to attend the month-long tournament which is being billed as the most payment-enabled FIFA tournament ever with more than 5,300 contactless payment terminals across official venues including eight stadiums.

About Qatar National Bank

Through its subsidiaries and associate companies, QNB Group extends to more than 30 countries across three continents providing a comprehensive range of advanced products and services. The total number of employees is 27,000 operating through 1,000 locations, with an ATM network of more than 4,700 machines. For more information visit qnb.com

About i2c Inc.

i2c is a global provider of highly-configurable payment and banking solutions. Using i2c's proprietary "building block" technology, clients can easily create and manage a comprehensive set of solutions for credit, debit, prepaid, lending and more, quickly and cost-effectively. i2c delivers unparalleled flexibility, agility, security and reliability from a single global SaaS platform. Founded in 2001, and headquartered in Silicon Valley, i2c's next-generation technology supports millions of users in more than 200 countries/ territories and across all time zones. For more information, visit www.i2cinc.com and follow us at @i2cinc.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221207005338/en/


Christine Alemany
Chief Marketing Officer

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