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YugabyteDB and Authlete Announce Strategic Partnership to Strengthen Digital Identity and API Security

2023/8/4  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: YugabyteexpandsISVpartnershipsinJapan,acceleratingAPIecosystemsintheregion SUNNYVALE,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Yugabyte,theleadingPostgreSQL-compatibledistrib

Yugabyte expands ISV partnerships in Japan, accelerating API ecosystems in the region

SUNNYVALE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Yugabyte, the leading PostgreSQL-compatible distributed SQL database company, today announced a new strategic partnership with Japan-based Authlete. Authlete, an independent software vendor (ISV) of choice providing an Identity Component as a Service solution for customers around the globe, selected YugabyteDB as one of their certified database options. Authlete is Yugabyte’s first ISV in Japan.

This partnership will enable Authlete to offer its solution to organizations of all sizes that require high availability and unlimited scalability, by leveraging YugabyteDB.

Authlete provides Web APIs to implement OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), two industry standards that enable secure API authorization and identity federation. As part of the new partnership, clients who choose to run Authlete through their own infrastructure, on-premises, or in their private or hybrid cloud, will now be able to leverage the power of YugabyteDB.

Together, the companies are fulfilling a market need for scalable and highly-available OAuth/OIDC infrastructure in the Japan region.

“As the premier cloud-native database of choice for modern business-critical applications, we are proud to partner with Authlete, a pioneer in OAuth/OIDC functionality,” said Karthik Ranganathan, co-founder and CTO, Yugabyte. “This relationship will allow Authlete customers to expand and scale their OAuth/OIDC infrastructures, regardless of where their data lives or which cloud provider they choose. We look forward to growing our partnership with Authlete and to helping companies in the region achieve business success.”

As a highly available distributed database, YugabyteDB ensures uninterrupted availability and reliability for applications, minimizing downtime risks. This production-ready solution ensures partners of all sizes can leverage YugabyteDB to effortlessly scale their business critical applications. YugabyteDB is geo-distributed, PostgreSQL-compatible, and 100% open source, offering enterprises the flexibility to choose from multiple clouds, or adopt a hybrid approach, and easily migrate applications across different cloud environments.

“We are pleased to partner with Yugabyte, a leader in distributed SQL databases, to support our enterprise customers' growing business needs and mitigate the challenges of building their OAuth/OIDC infrastructure,” said Tatsuo Kudo, VP of Solution Strategy at Authlete. “Together we will better serve Authlete customers around the globe and help them build their API ecosystems by providing secure, scalable technology solutions.”

Expansion in strategic geographic markets is a priority for Yugabyte in 2023, fueling the company’s growth in Japan and the wider APAC region. Yugabyte established its Japan business in October 2021 and continues to accelerate its growth in the region by partnering with industry-leaders like Authlete.

Visit www.yugabyte.com to learn more about YugabyteDB and distributed SQL technology.

About Yugabyte
Yugabyte is the company behind YugabyteDB, the open source, high-performance distributed SQL database for building global, cloud-native applications. YugabyteDB serves business-critical applications with SQL query flexibility, high performance and cloud-native agility, thus allowing enterprises to focus on business growth instead of complex data infrastructure management. It is trusted by companies in cybersecurity, financial markets, IoT, retail, e-commerce, and other verticals. Founded in 2016 by former Facebook and Oracle engineers, Yugabyte is backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners, 8VC, Dell Technologies Capital, Sapphire Ventures, and others. www.yugabyte.com

About Authlete
Authlete, Inc. was established by Takahiko Kawasaki et al. in 2015. The Authlete solution provides essential security features for all APIs, as a software component. Service providers in all industries, from financial institutions such as banks and securities firms to media and e-commerce, can quickly and securely implement API access authorization (OAuth 2.0) and identity federation (OpenID Connect) capabilities by integrating Authlete into their services. www.authlete.com

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