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Swissquote Bank:美国预算僵局令风险规避情绪加深

2013-10-7 17:01:52  文章来源:亚洲外汇网  作者:Swissquo…
核心提示:Swissquote Bank:美国预算僵局令风险规避情绪加深




  回顾上周五,因希望美国能达成一项决议,美元需求普涨成为外汇市场的主要推动力。欧元兑美元清理了支撑位1.3580,抛售至1.3539。由于美国方面并无消息传出,欧元兑美元开始了收复损失的一周。趋势仍然是上行,但势头看似有所减弱。止损位建在1.3550以下,如果触发,应该会给关键支撑位1.3460带来压力。在上行路上,期权投注混合于1.3600。在英国,英镑兑美元上周五暴跌。先是大量抛售从1.6178大幅下跌至1.6007,之后在亚洲市场反弹1.6014 。趋势势头发生逆转,这表明未来还有较高的抛售压力。


  在澳大利亚, AIG建筑业表现指数意外从43.7上扬至47.6。澳元兑美元反弹至0.9450 ,但整体风险规避情绪已经接手。日内势头由正转负,欧洲市场一开盘就向下突破了0.9400。


  The week starts with deeper risk aversion as no progress has been made in US regarding the debt ceiling issue. The US House Speaker Boehner said that the Republicans can’t increase the debt ceiling without other provisions, while the President Obama is unlikely to accept any delay in Obamacare. Nevertheless, the President said he sees the Congress topping the debt ceiling before October 17th. So far, the US House passed the bill to pay the federal workers, Pentagon called most of the furloughed employees to come back to work, as reported by Washington Post.

  Back on Friday, the fx markets were dominated by a broad based USD demand on hopes for a US resolution. EURUSD cleared support at 1.3580 and sold off to 1.3539. As no news came out of US, EURUSD starts the week recovering losses. The trend remains on the upside, yet the momentum is seen weaker. Stops are building below 1.3550, if triggered should build pressure towards 1.3460 key support. On the upside, option bets are mixed at 1.3600. In UK, GBPUSD took a dive on Friday. The cable smashed from 1.6178 to 1.6007 on massive sell-off, and rebounded from 1.6014 in Asia. The reversal in trend momentum suggest higher selling pressure moving forward.

  The Asian equities opened the week on the downside as the World Bank revised down the growth outlook in emerging Asia (7.1/7.2%). It has been mentioned that the expansionist Abenomics in Japan should offset the Fed tapering. USDJPY and JPY crosses opened under sell pressure alongside with the Nikkei stocks (-1.22%). USDJPY tested 97.00 yet Japanese institutional offers and importer demand helped to limit the downside. Option bids are seen at 96.50/75, offers are building pre-97.50.

  In Australia, the AiG construction index unexpectedly advanced from 43.7 to 47.6. AUDUSD rallied to 0.9450, yet the overall risk-off took over. The intra-day momentum turned negative and the pair broke 0.9400 on the downside as soon as Europe walked in.

  This Monday, the economic calendar consists of Swiss September Foreign currency Reserves, Norwegian August Industrial Production m/m & y/y, Euro-Zone October Sentix Confidence Index and US August Fed Consumer Credit Net Change.

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