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GN Hearing Launches ReSound ENZO 3D and Beltone Boost Max – Bringing its New Hearing Care Experience to People with Severe to Profound Hearing Loss

2017/9/1 8:41:53  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: GNOffersUnmatchedHearingCareMadeforAllTypesofHearingLoss COPENHAGEN,Denmark--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Today,GNHearingannouncedthelaunchofReSoundE

GN Offers Unmatched Hearing Care Made for All Types of Hearing Loss

COPENHAGEN, Denmark--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, GN Hearing announced the launch of ReSound ENZO 3D™, and the corresponding Beltone Boost Max™, which brings the renowned benefits of ReSound LiNX 3D™ and Beltone Trust™ to people with severe to profound hearing loss. Based on GN Hearing’s 5th generation 2.4 GHz wireless technology and GN Hearing’s 3rd generation binaural directionality, ReSound ENZO 3D has been proven to allow users to experience 60% more clarity of the sounds around them* and 60% better speech understanding in noise**.Now available in North America and all primary markets around the world to follow, ReSound ENZO 3D provides unmatched sound quality, efficient fitting, and groundbreaking comprehensive fine-tuning where ever you are, giving users with severe to profound hearing loss a new hearing care experience.

Unmatched sound quality

With ReSound ENZO 3D and GN Hearing’s 3rd generation binaural directionality hearing aid users with severe to profound hearing loss will experience excellent sound quality and improved clarity in any environment. Regardless of their location, users of ReSound ENZO 3D can pick up more sounds and speech in any environment, whether they are in a noisy restaurant or on a windy hike.

Enhanced fitting experience

GN Hearing’s ReSound Smart Fit™ fitting software, developed together with audiologists, brings a more efficient and intuitive solution to the clinic, improving the fitting experience by simplifying the process where the hearing care professional fits and adjusts the hearing aid to the user. The efficient and intuitive wireless fitting will save time for both the user and the hearing care professional, giving hearing care professionals more time for valuable user counselling.

Hearing care wherever you are – whoever you are

ReSound ENZO 3D is the only hearing aid in the world with comprehensive remote fine-tuning capabilities for those with severe to profound hearing loss. Enabled by ReSound Assist, this groundbreaking new feature allows users to stay in touch with their hearing care professional wherever they are and whoever they are, receiving on-the-go hearing care and new settings securely via the cloud without having to schedule and travel for a clinic appointment. ReSound Assist is accessed via the recently launched app, ReSound Smart 3D™, (available on the App Store and Google Play), which also allows users to easily personalize and control their sound at any time on-the-go directly from a smartphone. Users can also stream phone calls and music from their smartphone to their ReSound ENZO 3D hearing aids.

ReSound ENZO 3D is the smallest and most powerful super power hearing aid available, and also a Made for iPhone Cochlear compatible bimodal hearing solution.

“At GN Hearing, we’re proud to bring the unrivalled benefits of ReSound LiNX 3D to those with severe to profound hearing loss with ReSound ENZO 3D, giving them a new hearing care experience. ReSound ENZO 3D is the most powerful hearing aid on the market with unmatched sound quality delivering more clarity and better speech understanding in noise. In addition, we offer the only comprehensive remote fine-tuning solution because we believe that everyone should be able to hear more than they ever thought possible, whoever they are and wherever they are. Our solutions are made for all,” says Anders Hedegaard, President and CEO at GN Hearing.

“I can hear the waves, I can hear the breeze. It’s a fantastic balance of sound. Everything has a lot more layers now to what I’m hearing. I’m not just hearing traffic – I am hearing layers of traffic. I’m hearing the difference between small cars, trucks and motorcycles, and I can hear things coming from different angles so I have got a lot of directionality,” says Tara Svensson, ReSound ENZO 3D user.

For more information please visit http://www.resound.com

*compared to binaural beamforming in hearing aids for severe-to-profound hearing loss (Effect of directional strategy on audibility of sounds in the environment for varying hearing loss severity. Jespersen C, Kirkwood B, Groth J., 2017).
**with Binaural Directionality III compared to omni directionality (Binaural Directionality III compared to omni directional, data on file)

About GN Hearing

People with hearing loss are at the heart of everything we do. ReSound, Beltone and Interton hearing aids help people feel more involved, connected and in control. In an ever-smarter world, we think big and challenge the norm so that we can transform lives through the power of sound.

GN Hearing is part of the GN Group – pioneering great sound from world-leading ReSound, Beltone and Interton hearing aids to Jabra office headsets and sports headphones. Founded in 1869, employing over 5,000 people, and listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen, GN makes life sound better.

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