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Net Feasa and Sagemcom Announce Global, Low-Cost, Power Efficient, Multi-Sensors Internet of Things (IoT) Device Deal

2017/9/8 16:51:19  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: PARIS--(BUSINESSWIRE)--NetFeasaLimitedandSagemcomSASannounceaglobaldealforthedeploymentoftheSiconia™multi-sensorsdeviceforawidera

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Net Feasa Limited and Sagemcom SAS announce a global deal for the deployment of the Siconia™ multi-sensors device for a wide range of connected ports and maritime IoT use cases. The next generation, LoRaWAN™-compliant Siconia™ industrial device provides a capable platform for a variety of use cases with significant commercial benefit. Some of the applications include asset, vehicle & chassis tracking, reefer container monitoring, access control and maritime safety (MARSEC).Utilising the extremely power efficient LoRaWAN™ based wireless solution, the Siconia™ device has enabled Net Feasa to deploy cost effective solutions at a price that is very attractive to both Ports and Shipping companies. Net Feasa is presently deploying these solutions in both Europe and the US.

Net Feasa COO, Nikola Nestorov, said: “We have assessed and tested a large number of Smart Port & Smart Vessel use cases using a variety of sensor devices and the Siconia™ device meets our needs for the strategic objective of taking a global lead in Smart Port and Smart Ship based IoT solutions.”

“This tight collaboration reinforces Sagemcom’s vision and strategy of the LPWAN IoT, enabling fast, flexible and cost efficient deployments on many different industrial market verticals. Our prioritized efforts in supporting asset management and logistics have found a direct and fruitful outcome within the connected port strategy of Net Feasa.” says Eric Rieul, CEO of Sagemcom Energy & Telecom.

Sagemcom, is an innovative and well-recognized international leader in the industrial Smart City, and Smart Nation market, thanks to its combination of Smart Metering, Smart Infrastructure solutions, and its full end-to-end IoT Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) products portfolio, SICONIA™, ranging from infrastructure solutions, such as Carrier-Grade Gateways enabled for Geolocation, LoRa™ Network Server (LNS), Geolocation Solver, in addition to small and cost efficient Multi-usage IoT devices.

Sagemcom’s Gateways, its Network Server and Geolocation Solver, support the biggest LoRaWAN™ Network in the world to-date, in France, with +4500 Gateways nationwide, covering 93% of French population, demonstrating leading edge reliability and scalability.

About Net Feasa

Net Feasa is an IoT Service Provider dedicated to Smart Port and Smart Ship enablement and global container, chassis and asset tracking. Net Feasa has successfully validated the efficiency of a number of maritime use cases, implemented on its services platform EvenKeel™. Net Feasa has comprehensive experience building and operating remote and on-board vessel communications systems and has designed and developed dedicated Port IoT networks for ports in both Europe and North America.

About Sagemcom

A French high-tech group of international dimensions, Sagemcom operates on the broadband (digital home, set-top boxes, Internet routers, telephony and multimedia terminals), smart city (smart meter, smart grid, smart infra, smart sites and smart services), and Internet of Things markets.

With revenue of around 1.6 billion euros, Sagemcom employs 4000 people on five continents and ships every year more than 25 million terminals. Sagemcom aims to remain a world leader in communicating terminals with high added value.

www.sagemcom.com // www.facebook.com/SagemcomOfficial // https://twitter.com/Sagemcom


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