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Seven Network Programmatically Trades Live Premium Sports Video Through Telaria SSP

2018/1/25 8:53:12  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NEWYORK--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- TelariaInc.,(NYSE:TLRA),aleadingvideomonetisationsoftwarecompany,isworkingwithSevenNetwork,Australia’sm


Telaria Inc., (NYSE:TLRA), a leading video monetisation software company, is working with Seven Network, Australia’s most watched broadcast television network, to make live premium sports video supply directly available to programmatic buyers.

One of Australia’s leading integrated media companies, Seven Network has the Australian broadcast and live streaming rights to iconic sporting events, including the Australian Open, the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Over the past year, Seven has made significant investments in data, technology and infrastructure, including launching its live and video-on-demand service 7plus. In developing a sophisticated and innovative offering that provides consumers with a rich and engaging viewing experience, 7plus has accelerated the company’s move into the OTT space as part of its Total Video strategy

“We are excited to partner with the Seven Network, particularly on these world-renowned sporting events. The Australian Open, Olympic Winter Games and Commonwealth Games generate huge engagement and attention from Australian audiences,” said Juliette Stead, Vice President APAC at Telaria. “Seven understand the changing nature of consumers’ viewing habits, and the company’s thoughtful investments in technology mean that consumers can live stream those events from any connected device. That, combined with Telaria’s best in class SSP technology mean that programmatic buyers can apply data to tailor messages to the most relevant audiences, providing a truly addressable opportunity.”

“Streaming of Live Sport is exploding, up almost 70% year-on-year for the first few days of the Australian Open alone. We are delighted to partner with Telaria to offer a world class consumer and advertiser experience that sets the standard for watching live sports in an OTT environment,” said James Bayes, Digital Sales Director, OTT, Seven Network. “Delivering live sports with quality programmatic advertising involves significant technological innovation and enormous investment and resource has been committed to helping brands effectively leverage these rare events in a dynamic trading environment. Telaria has been an important partner in helping us to solve some of the challenges inherent in this fast moving, dynamic industry sector.”

About Telaria

Telaria (NYSE: TLRA), (formerly Tremor Video), is the leading independent data-driven software platform built to monetize and manage premium video inventory with the greatest speed, control, and transparency, wherever and however audiences are watching.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180123006541/en/


Telaria, Inc.
Lekha Rao, 646-226-0254

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