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P.I. Works Centralized SON is Selected by Telefónica UK to Enable Fully Automated Mobile Network Operations

2018/2/28 9:21:16  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LONDON--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- P.I.WorkshasbeenawardedacontractbyTelefónicaUKforthedelivery,deploymentandsupportoftheiraward-winninguS


P.I. Works has been awarded a contract by Telefónica UK for the delivery, deployment and support of their award-winning uSON platform across its network.

P.I. Works uSON provides centralized self-configuration, self-optimization and self-healing capabilities, including inter-vendor and IRAT support, along with an integrated Performance Management solution. uSON’s real time and automated network management capabilities, coupled with AI-powered algorithms for closed-loop optimization, will empower Telefónica UK to transform the way that network quality and customer experience are managed.

Brendan O’Reilly, CTO for Telefónica UK comments “Our SON solution delivers a consistently good experience for our customers when they use their mobile device. It has helped reduce complexity and enhance our flexibility by continually analysing and retuning our network to ensure we continue to provide a reliable service for all our customers”.

Baar Akpnar, P.I. Works CEO, commented “We are delighted to be partnering with Telefónica UK, and we are fully committed to delivering our SON powered solutions to help manage the complex demands of their evolving mobile network operations. We are confident that Telefónica UK will derive immediate benefit from our field-proven solutions in both network quality and operational efficiency, as well as supporting their goal to build the UK’s most customer-centric network”.

About P.I. Works

P.I. Works is a leading provider of next-generation mobile network planning, management and optimization solutions. P.I. Works combines field-proven expertise with a commercially available product portfolio and services. These solutions empower Mobile Network Operators to accelerate network transformation, improve network quality and subscriber experience while lowering their costs. P.I. Works has deployed its solutions at 38 mobile network operators in 28 countries. P.I. Works contributes actively to the ETSI, GTI, and 3GPP standardization forum.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180226005627/en/


P.I. Works
Melih Murat

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