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Thales Awarded the 2022 Frost & Sullivan Global Software License and Entitlement Market Leadership Award

2022/12/18  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Thalesisattheforefrontofinnovationandgrowthinthesoftwaremonetizationindustry,drivingagrowthstrategyagainstdisruptivetechnologies,valuechaincompression,andin

Thales is at the forefront of innovation and growth in the software monetization industry, driving a growth strategy against disruptive technologies, value chain compression, and industry convergence.

Thales contributes to a market that is otherwise lacking in adequate software licensing management production because of cost, remote work, a global labor shortage, and digital transformation.


Thales, with its Sentinel Platform for License and Entitlement Management, has been awarded the Best Practices Frost & Sullivan Market Leadership Award in the global software license management market. Recognized among other companies that successfully deploy best practices, growth strategies, and strategic analytics across a value chain, Thales received the Market Leadership Award for achieving the greatest market share based on its outstanding performance, products, and services.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221214005097/en/

Frost & Sullivan’s global team of Growth Pipeline experts continually identifies and evaluates growth opportunities across multiple industries, technologies, and regions worldwide. The process involves the rigorous analysis of several nominees for each award category to determine the recipient, evaluating best practices criteria across two dimensions for each nominee. Thales was successful across several categories, including product differentiation, brand strength, growth strategy excellence, product quality, and implementation excellence.

Software licensing management (SLM) production has faced several roadblocks in its development in the current market. Software manufacturers and device makers regularly struggle to prevent access to unauthorised users while ensuring legitimate users can easily access and buy their solutions. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, as well as high costs and lack of awarenesss, mean that despite its many benefits, SLM has not grown as exponentially as it should, especially in regions such as Asia and Latin America.

Thales is a recognized leader in the software monetization field, providing the most comprehensive platform and services for license and entitlement management and helping software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies accelerate their growth. With a team of 450 experts across more than 20 countries, including the United States, much of Europe, South Korea, China, Japan, and India, Thales solidifies its position as a leader in the software license management market.

“Thales provides the most comprehensive platform for software enforcement and hardware enforcement and is focused on solutions to help the SaaS market scale quickly,” said Mukul Krishna, Global Practice Head, Frost & Sullivan.

Thales offers a comprehensive suite of software monetization solutions, using a sophisticated entitlement management capability to address any combination of SaaS, on-premises, and device-based requirements. The company provides customers with the flexibility to create, manage, and deploy custom licenses for products across distribution channels and pricing models to meet evolving customer needs. Additionally, the company enables the tracking of customer licenses; prevents their reproduction, distribution, and unauthorized use; and protects license IP theft through encryption and anti-debugging.

With its SaaS services, application programming interfaces (APIs) and web services, Thales lowers ownership cost and the high expense of customization for an elevated customer experience. In a fiercely competitive and ever-changing market, Thales has made its way to the top with an effective growth strategy and resilience and offers optimal services at a global scale.

Thales’s software monetization solutions are available for use today. For more information, download the Frost and Sullivan Growth Opportunity Analysis 2022 report or visit: https://cpl.thalesgroup.com/software-monetization.

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global leader in advanced technologies, investing in digital and “deep tech” innovations – connectivity, big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and quantum technologies – to build a confident future crucial for the development of our societies. The Group provides its customers – businesses, organisations and governments – in the defense, aeronautics, space, transport, and digital identity and security domains with solutions, services and products that help them fulfil their critical role, consideration for the individual being the driving force behind all decisions.

Thales has 81,000 employees in 68 countries. In 2021, the Group generated sales of €16.2 billion.


Thales Group  

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221214005097/en/


Press contact  
Thales, Media Relations  
Marion Bonnet  


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