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Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual

2023/2/24  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: AnunexpectedalchemyofStarbucksfinestarabicacoffeeinfusedwithPartannaextravirginoliveoiloffersavelvetysmooth,deliciouslylushnewcoffeeexperience Unveiledatth

An unexpected alchemy of Starbucks finest arabica coffee infused with Partanna extra virgin olive oil offers a velvety smooth, deliciously lush new coffee experience

Unveiled at the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan and Starbucks Italy stores, Oleato to launch in select markets worldwide over the coming year


Starbucks today unveiled a transformational innovation in coffee, Oleato – a line of coffee beverages that brings together the unexpected – Starbucks arabica coffee deliciously infused with a spoonful of Partanna cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil. The result is velvety smooth, delicately sweet, and lush coffee that uplifts each cup with an extraordinary new flavor and texture. The new beverage platform which launches in Starbucks stores in Italy on Feb. 22, includes: Oleato™ Caffè Latte, Oleato™ Iced Shaken Espresso, and Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Cold Brew. The Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan will also debut five beverages to customers on Feb. 22: Oleato™ Caffè Latte, Oleato™ Iced Cortado, Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Cold Brew, Oleato™ Deconstructed, and Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Espresso Martini. Starbucks will begin to introduce the beverages in select markets around the world, starting with Southern California in the United States this spring. Later this year, Japan, the Middle East, and the United Kingdom will launch the beverages.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230221005753/en/

“During my first trip to Milan in 1983, I was captivated by the sense of community, connection, and passion for coffee I found in the city’s espresso bars. It was that trip that inspired me to bring the ritual of handcrafted espresso to Starbucks and to America. Oleato represents the next revolution in coffee that brings together an alchemy of nature’s finest ingredients – Starbucks arabica coffee beans and Partanna cold pressed extra virgin olive oil,” said Howard Schultz, Starbucks interim chief executive officer. “Today I feel just as inspired as I did 40 years ago, Oleato has opened our eyes to fresh new possibilities and a transformational way to enjoy our daily coffee,” said Schultz.

Starbucks continuous search for inspiration revealed a family tradition that has existed in regions of Italy for generations - enjoying a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil each day as an uplifting ritual. This led Starbucks to Partanna, an Italian extra virgin olive oil brand with more than 100 years of tradition and dedication to farming and crafting premium extra virgin olive oil.

Oleato, The New Coffee Ritual

Partanna created a highly curated blend of extra virgin olive oil from the finest Mediterranean olives, including the high-quality Nocellara del Belice (also called Castelvetrano) olives from Partanna, Sicily. The blend was thoughtfully selected to pair perfectly with Starbucks coffee, which is then skillfully infused in the beverage to unlock a smooth and delicious experience like no other.

Starbucks Oleato beverages that will be served in Starbucks stores around the world:

  • Oleato™ Caffè Latte: Starbucks Blonde Espresso Roast, a light roast that is smooth and subtly sweet, is infused with Partanna extra virgin olive oil and steamed with creamy oatmilk to create a velvety smooth, deliciously lush latte.
  • Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Cold Brew: The inviting aroma of lush Partanna extra virgin olive oil infused cold foam cascades slowly through the dark, smooth cold brew, creating a subtle sweetness in the beverage.
  • Oleato™ Iced Shaken Espresso: This coffee-forward beverage offers layers of flavor sweetened with notes of hazelnuts, rich espresso and creamy oatmilk infused with Partanna extra virgin olive oil.

In select markets, customers will also be able to add a press – the equivalent to a spoonful – of Partanna extra virgin olive oil as a customization to select beverages. The press will then be infused (steamed, shaken, or blended) as a customization into select drinks such as espresso beverages and tea lattes. Golden Foam will also be available as a customization, which can be added as a delicious topping on both hot and cold beverages.

Designed to pair perfectly with the exquisite Starbucks Reserve coffee, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan today debuted five Starbucks Reserve Oleato beverages:

  • Oleato™ Caffè Latte: Starbucks Reserve Espresso and creamy oatmilk infused with Partanna extra virgin olive oil create a velvety, luscious latte.
  • Oleato™ Iced Cortado: Starbucks Reserve Espresso, demerara syrup, and a dash of orange bitters and oatmilk is infused with Partanna extra virgin olive oil. It is then served over ice and finished with an orange peel.
  • Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Cold Brew: Starbucks Reserve Cold Brew is lightly sweetened with demerara syrup and finished with Partanna extra virgin olive oil infused cold foam, creating an inviting aroma and subtle sweetness.
  • Oleato™ Deconstructed: An ode to the Italian tradition of combining olive oil with a squeeze of lemon. This beverage pairs Starbucks Reserve Espresso and Partanna extra virgin olive oil infused with a luxurious passionfruit cold foam.
  • Oleato™ Golden Foam™ Espresso Martini: Starbucks Reserve Espresso, vodka and vanilla bean syrup topped with golden foam – a fusion of fior di latte (sweet cream) and Partanna extra virgin olive oil.

“When creating the beverages, we were inspired by the rich history and origin stories of coffee and olive oil – two of nature’s most transcendent ingredients,” said Amy Dilger, principal beverage developer for Starbucks. “Infusing Starbucks coffee with olive oil yielded a velvety smooth, rich texture, with the buttery, round flavors imparted by the olive oil perfectly pairing with the soft, chocolatey notes of the coffee.”

“One thing that’s special about Partanna’s olives is their uniquely nutty, slightly sweet flavors – think of that rich smoothness of a buttery caramel, it’s a natural complement to our coffee,” said Dilger. “Whether you enjoy Oleato hot or cold, you get this really luxurious, textural experience.”

Read more about the inspiration and creation of these beverages here.

Raising the Bar on Coffee Innovation

Italy’s romance with coffee, food and connection has served as an inspiration for the Starbucks Experience since the company’s earliest days, influencing its coffee, food, and store designs, as well as its reverence for artistry.

“The art of coffee craft, curation and creation remains core to Starbucks. Our aspiration to continue to be the world's leader in premium coffee – in both the art and the science – is as strong today as it was more than 50 years ago when Starbucks first opened its doors,” said Schultz. “Embracing our heritage, we remain dedicated to exceeding our customers’ expectations by bringing innovative experiences to savor.”

From the first Starbucs Caffè Latte served in 1984, to Pumpkin Spice Latte, Nitro Cold Brew, and the more recent Iced Shaken Espresso beverages, Starbucks continues to bring its customers innovative beverages at scale.

About Starbucks

Since 1971, Starbucks Coffee Company has been committed to ethically sourcing and roasting high-quality arabica coffee. Today, with nearly 36,000 stores worldwide, the company is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and our guiding principles, we bring the unique Starbucks Experience to life for every customer through every cup. To share in the experience, please visit us in our stores or online at stories.starbucks.com or starbucks.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230221005753/en/


Email: press@starbucks.com
Hotline: 206-318-7100

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

Introducing Starbucks Oleato – a Revolutionary New Coffee Ritual (Photo: Business Wire)

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