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PayNet Banks On AI-Driven Network by Juniper Networks to Drive Expansion of Malaysia’s National Payments Infrastructure

2023/10/19  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ThenetworkupgradesdeliverAIOpsandrichautomation,capitalizingontheJuniperMistCloudtoenablePayNetandMalaysia’slocalandcross-borderpaymentinfrastructureexpansi

The network upgrades deliver AIOps and rich automation, capitalizing on the Juniper Mist Cloud to enable PayNet and Malaysia’s local and cross-border payment infrastructure expansion

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that Payments Network Malaysia (PayNet), Malaysia’s national payments network and shared central infrastructure for its financial markets, has selected Juniper’s campus solutions driven by Mist AI™. The networking upgrades include the Juniper Networks EX Series and Wireless Access Points, Wired and Wi-Fi Assurance services, as well as Marvis™ Virtual Network Assistant driven by Mist AI, enhancing networking capabilities across PayNet’s campus sites and remote command center.

As Malaysia’s national provider of financial market utilities, PayNet processed MYR$1 trillion in consumer, business and financial market transactions in 2022 alone. In addition to the growth of its cross-border international payment linkages, PayNet powers a comprehensive array of popular services that have entrenched themselves as indispensable to Malaysia’s digital-savvy population of over 33 million people, including cashless payments (DuitNow), bill payments (FPX), inter-bank transfers (IBG) and the nation-wide shared ATM network.

With these volumes on an expected upward trajectory, the company recognized a need for a campus network refresh to provide its over 500 staff at its modern headquarters with a better in-office digital experience, especially as it embraced a hybrid work model. Juniper’s campus network solutions stood out during PayNet’s evaluation, offering a future-proof solution rich in automation and AIOps, providing performance, consistency, ease of management, and the ability to seamlessly scale as it grows.

All powered by the Juniper Mist™ Cloud, Juniper’s AP32 and AP43 provide Wi-Fi 6 accessibility over an EVPN-VXLAN topology, providing consistency, longevity and scalability powered by EX3400 and EX4650 switches. The upgrades have allowed PayNet to do away with complicated command-line interface and on-premises setups while providing seamless connectivity across its two buildings. Furthermore, PayNet was able to integrate the buildings’ various IoT devices, such as CCTVs and smart TVs, into the new network.

In addition, Wired and Wi-Fi Assurance services driven by Mist AI, have helped automate and streamline network operations for PayNet’s engineers. The Marvis Juniper Network Assistant, for example, helps determine the root cause of issues, offering proactive insights and prescriptive actions – beneficial as they operate out of a remote command center. This has allowed the team to see a significant decrease in tickets related to connectivity issues since implementing Juniper’s upgrades, ultimately driving better user experiences across the network.

As PayNet gears up for local and regional expansion, they look forward to achieving further integration with Juniper’s Mist AI solutions. The strategic network refresh by Juniper has allowed PayNet to enhance the on-campus experience for both employees and guests, all while firmly positioning PayNet for future growth across local and regional payment infrastructures.

Supporting Quotes:

“It is always gratifying to support partners who enable essential services for the everyday lives of their customers. We are proud to play an important role in PayNet’s network infrastructure – just as their mission is to build an inclusive, accessible, and efficient payments and financial ecosystem for Malaysians; ours is to enable them with the best networking solutions that technology has to offer. It has been a privilege to witness their growth journey across the region and the world, and we look forward to deepening our collaboration as they continue to grow.”

Perry Sui, Area Vice President, ASEAN & Taiwan, Juniper Networks

“At PayNet, our objective is to provide the nation with an economical and agile payments platform that can respond swiftly to innovation while ensuring that demand for our services can be met in a timely and effective manner. Our partnership with Juniper Networks has provided the networking foundations to allow us to focus on delivering our range of services without worrying about the backend, contributing to the goal of developing a payments ecosystem for Malaysia and across the region that remains efficient, pertinent, and competitive.”

Preman Padmanabhan, Head of Networks, PayNet

Additional Resources:

  • Case Study: PayNet cashes in on exceptional, AI-driven digital office experience
  • Product & Solution Pages:
    • Juniper Networks AP32 Access Point
    • Juniper Networks AP43 Access Point
    • Juniper Networks EX3400 Access Switch
    • Juniper Networks EX4650 Campus Aggregation & Core Switch
  • Follow Juniper Networks online: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
  • Juniper Blogs and Community: J-Net

About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security, and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability, and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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