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Wasabi Acquires Curio AI from GrayMeta

2024/1/26  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: WillintroduceAI-poweredintelligentstorageforM&EinSpring2024 BOSTON--(BUSINESSWIRE)--WasabiTechnologies,thehotcloudstoragecompany,announcestheacquisitionofCu

Will introduce AI-powered intelligent storage for M&E in Spring 2024

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, announces the acquisition of Curio AI from GrayMeta, Inc. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition includes both the intellectual property and the visionary team behind Curio, including GrayMeta CEO Aaron Edell, who will join Wasabi as Senior Vice President of AI and Machine Learning. Wasabi will incorporate the Curio AI technology into a new class of AI-powered intelligent storage for the Media and Entertainment industry which it plans to release in Spring 2024.

Curio AI creates a second-by-second index of video stored in Wasabi. “A video archive without detailed metadata is like a library without a card catalog,” said David Friend, Chief Executive Officer, Wasabi Technologies. “This is where AI comes in. AI can find faces, logos, objects, and even specific voices. Without it, finding exactly the segments you are looking for requires tedious and time-consuming manual effort. The acquisition of Curio AI will allow us to revolutionize media storage.”

Video is one of the biggest opportunities in the storage industry. Hundreds of exabytes of video archives exist on aging tape systems, and many more exabytes are generated every year from film, television, sporting events, news, advertising, corporate communications, and countless hours of valuable raw footage and outtakes. Without searchable metadata, it’s extremely time consuming and inefficient to find video segments you need at any given moment.

Curio AI is an intelligent data platform that uses AI to generate rich metadata for media libraries and enables editors and producers to instantly search and retrieve specific media segments based on people, places, events, emotions, logos, landmarks, background audio and more. Curio AI can also detect and transcribe speech in over 50 spoken languages. Customers benefit from more personalized experiences with hyper specific detail, allowing organizations to deliver relevant content to market as fast as possible. Wasabi’s Curio AI-powered storage will provide customers like Liverpool Football Club with the metadata they need to manage troves of digital assets with lightning-fast speed.

“AI-powered storage will allow Wasabi customers to instantly find exactly what they need amongst millions of hours of footage and unleash the value in their archives. We believe this will be the most significant advance in the storage industry since the invention of object storage,” said Edell, Wasabi’s new Senior Vice President of AI and Machine Learning. “I look forward to working with Dave and the exceptional team he has built to write a new future for the media and entertainment industry.”

“Wasabi is on a trajectory that few others in the industry can claim. The advantage of being a hyper-focused company is that we can lead the industry in terms of price, performance, reliability, and innovation. With the acquisition of Curio AI, we are now set to introduce the industry’s first AI-powered intelligent cloud storage,” added Friend. “Like Wasabi’s standard cloud storage, our Curio AI-powered storage will be simple, fast, reliable, and inexpensive. With the acquisition of Curio AI, our customers will not only be able to store data but locate and instantly retrieve exactly what they want.”

About Wasabi Technologies

Wasabi provides simple and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses all over the world. It enables organizations to store and instantly access an unlimited amount of data with no complex tiers or egress or API fees, while delivering predictable costs that save money and industry leading security and performance businesses can count on. Trusted by customers worldwide, Wasabi has been recognized as one of technology’s fastest growing and most visionary companies. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi is a privately held company based in Boston. Wasabi is a Proud Partner of the Boston Red Sox, and the Official Cloud Storage Partner of Liverpool Football Club and the Boston Bruins.

Follow and connect with Wasabi on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, and The Bucket.

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