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Galton Voysey Acquires Under Lucky Stars

2022/3/5  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- GaltonVoysey,aglobaleCommercecompany,hasacquiredUnderLuckyStars,aDTCbrandsellingstarmapstocommemoratespecialevents. Thispressrel


Galton Voysey, a global eCommerce company, has acquired Under Lucky Stars, a DTC brand selling star maps to commemorate special events.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220303006100/en/

Personalized star maps weren’t available as a product before Zoltan Toth-Czifra launched Under Lucky Stars in 2016. Customers select the date and location of meaningful events, such as the birth of their child or the day they met their partner. Next, a custom star mapping algorithm works out the exact position of the stars in the sky at that particular moment in time. The distinctive maps are then created and shipped out to customers with care. Verified by a NASA astronomer and recognized by leading astrophysicists, Under Lucky Stars has grown into a global brand.

Under Lucky Stars has been featured in high-profile publications such as Forbes, USA Today, Lonely Planet, and HuffPost. Over the years, the brand has deeply connected with its customers; inspiring songs, art and tattoos, as well as leading several charity initiatives for the wider community.

“After 5 years of being known as the ‘star guy’, this chapter is finally over,” said Zoltan Toth-Czifra. “I feel very happy because I know the company will be in very good hands and it will be more successful than ever.”

The acquisition of Under Lucky Stars fits into Galton Voysey’s vision to be the leading developer of direct-to-consumer brands. Under Lucky Stars will join a successful portfolio of brands that Galton Voysey has built and acquired over the years. The learnings from these businesses will be applied to develop and scale the brand, all while providing a legendary customer experience.

“We’re passionate about growing brands that add something special to our customers’ lives. Zoltan has built something remarkable over the last 5 years. We are excited to grow the business further and enable more people to celebrate the special moments in their lives in such a unique way,” said Kimberley Woo, CEO of Galton Voysey. “Under Lucky Stars is one of those 1 in a million brands that truly make customers happy. We are so lucky that Zoltan has trusted us to continue its legacy.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220303006100/en/


Kimberley Woo
CEO at Galton Voysey

Under Lucky Stars Maps (Photo: Business Wire)

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