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Toshiba Tec Showcases Digital Signage Solutions at NRF 2018 Retails Big Show

2018/1/15 9:47:18  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: TOKYO--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- ToshibaTecPrintingSolutionsBusinessGroup(TOKYO:6588)todayannounceditwillfeatureitsdigitalsignagesolutionsatthew


Toshiba Tec Printing Solutions Business Group (TOKYO: 6588) today announced it will feature its digital signage solutions at the world’s largest retail tradeshow, the NRF (National Retail Federation) 2018 Retail’s Big Show taking place Jan. 14-16 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York.

Based on its theme, “The Joy of Shopping,” Toshiba Tec will demonstrate its latest suite of products and solutions at booth 2553, including the company’s innovative digital signage solutions tailored to retail customers.

Retailers acknowledge that digital signage is a vital technology for bolstering sales. As the global market share leader in point-of-sale (POS) systems, Toshiba Tec is well-positioned to deliver state-of-the-art digital signage solutions to worldwide customers via its group company, Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions. Toshiba’s digital signage is currently in use within diverse retail environments including apparel, specialty and grocery stores.

- XSellRate: XSellRate integrates an array of premium features for a more engaging and enriching shopping experience. The multifunction kiosk enables shoppers to quickly and easily place deli orders, find in-store items and receive meal preparation ideas.
- Up Sell: The interactive Up Sell application displays important product information whenever an item is lifted from its in-store shelf. This technology better allows customers to engage with a retailer’s products without the need for additional sales staff.
- Cross Sell: The Cross Sell mobile application is designed to provide sales associates with the information needed to influence shopping behavior. Through the use of a mobile POS system and digital content, sales associates may quickly and easily check inventory based on an item’s size and color while making recommendations based on other items of interest.

Beyond digital signage solutions, Toshiba Tec Printing Solutions Business Group also develops the following products and solutions to streamline document management and workflow needs for retailers: multifunction printers and customizable user interface, mobile point-of-purchase printing and form & label solutions, barcode printers, and managed print services.

For more information about Digital Signage in United States, please visit: http://business.toshiba.com/usa/digital-signage/digital-signage.html

About Toshiba Tec

Toshiba Tec Corporation is a Toshiba’s group company, a leading provider of technology solutions, operating across multiple industries – ranging from retail, education and business services to hospitality and manufacturing. With headquarters in Japan and over 80 subsidiaries worldwide, Toshiba Tec Corporation helps organizations transform the way they create, record, share, manage and display information.

Please visit http://www.toshibatec.co.jp/en/
For Global site please visit http://www.toshibatec.com/global/

Unless otherwise specified and/or credited all images, artwork, text and graphics, logos and logotypes are the copyright and/or trademark of the respective owners. All rights reserved.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180112005015/en/


Media Contact
Toshiba Tec Corporation
Toshihiko “Tommy” Minato, +81-(0)50-3681-5528
Marketing Department
Products, Marketing & Service Division
Printing Solutions Business Group

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