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Toshiba e-STUDIO3508LP Wins Buyers Labs Winter 2018 Outstanding Achievement in Innovation Award

2018/2/22 18:24:28  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: TOKYO--(BUSINESSWIRE)--ToshibaTecCorporation(TOKYO:6588)announcesthatitse-STUDIO3508LPhasearnedKeypointIntelligence-BuyersLab'sOuts

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Toshiba Tec Corporation (TOKYO:6588) announces that its e-STUDIO3508LP has earned Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab's Outstanding Achievement in Innovation award. The e-STUDIO3508LP is Toshiba’s hybrid multifunction peripheral (MFP) which prints regular black prints as well as erasable blue prints within one device.Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab presents its Outstanding Achievement award to acknowledge the products or capabilities that stand out for a breakthrough in technology, a unique feature or other noteworthy innovation that moves that class of product forward.

“For any organization committed to maintaining a ‘green’ work ethos, Toshiba’s latest generation model, the e-STUDIO3508LP, is worth a look,” said George Mikolay, Associate Director of Copiers/Production for Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab. “The ability to print and erase content produced with erasable toner while reusing the same sheet of paper multiple times within a single eco-hybrid integrated system, is truly unique and innovative in the marketplace. What’s more, the unit’s dual-toner system provides added flexibility for users so that higher value documents can be printed using black toner.”

“We are proud that the e-STUDIO3508LP is recognized as a unique and innovative product, and received BLI’s Outstanding Achievement in Innovation award,” said Sachio Koyama, General Manager of Products, Marketing & Service Division, Toshiba Tec Corporation. “With its unique technology and features, we believe this product will help customers operate their business more ecologically, economically, and efficiently. We expect many customers using the e-STUDIO3508LP will realize its benefits.”

About Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab

Keypoint Intelligence is a one-stop shop for the digital imaging industry. With our unparalleled tools and unmatched depth of knowledge, we cut through the noise of data to offer clients the unbiased insights and responsive tools they need in those mission-critical moments that define their products and empower their sales.

For over 50 years, Buyers Lab has been the global document imaging industry’s resource for unbiased and reliable information, test data, and competitive selling tools. What started out as a consumer-based publication about office equipment has become an all-encompassing industry resource. Buyers Lab evolves in tandem with the ever-changing landscape of document imaging solutions, constantly updating our methods, expanding our offerings, and tracking cutting-edge developments.

For more information, please call David Sweetnam at +44 (0) 118 977 2000 or email him at david.sweetnam@keypointintelligence.com.

About Toshiba Tec

Toshiba Tec Corporation is a Toshiba’s group company, a leading provider of technology solutions, operating across multiple industries – ranging from retail, education and business services to hospitality and manufacturing. With headquarters in Japan and over 80 subsidiaries worldwide, Toshiba Tec Corporation helps organizations transform the way they create, record, share, manage and display information.

Please visit http://www.toshibatec.co.jp/en/
For Global site please visit http://www.toshibatec.com/global/

Unless otherwise specified and/or credited all images, artwork, text and graphics, logos and logotypes are the copyright and/or trademark of the respective owners. All rights reserved.


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