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ADVA, BT and Mavenir Collaborate on Cloud RAN Technologies as Part of Telecom Infra Project

2018/3/1 9:14:24  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ThecompanieswillbeexploringthebenefitsofCloudRANandFronthaultransportintheUKTIPCommunityLab RICHARDSON,Texas&BARCELONA,Spain--(BUSIN

The companies will be exploring the benefits of Cloud RAN and Fronthaul transport in the UK TIP Community Lab

RICHARDSON, Texas & BARCELONA, Spain--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ADVA, BT and Mavenir have announced that they will be collaborating on a number of research projects at the UK’s Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Community Lab based at the BT Labs in Adastral Park, Ipswich.TIP is an engineering-focused initiative driven by operators, suppliers, developers, integrators, and startups, aimed at challenging the traditional methods used for the deployment of network infrastructure.

At the BT Labs, ADVA, BT and Mavenir will be testing and validating the benefits of Cloud RAN (vRAN) using non-ideal infrastructure for fronthaul, to try and promote innovation in future mobile network deployments. The approach is to investigate and test solutions that will dynamically reduce the cost of future network deployment by reconsidering fronthaul technologies that have previously been rejected.

Today, the fronthaul between the BaseBand Control Unit (BBU) and the Remote Radio Unit (RRU) typically utilizes a fibre optic based transmission medium incorporating a proprietary CPRI (Common Public Radio Interface) specification. This interface has restricted innovation and excluded low-cost deployment technologies such as Ethernet or point-to-point microwave. For many parts of the world where fibre is too costly or difficult to obtain, operators are unable to deploy vRAN technology. The project aims to change the status quo by evaluating fronthaul interfaces that use only one tenth of the current bandwidth and support high latencies, thereby enabling the use of copper Ethernet connections or point-to-point microwaves.

The initiative has reached the testing phase with the deployment of an end-to-end vRAN system incorporating Mavenir and ADVA technologies.

“It’s great to be collaborating with a number of partners at our dedicated TIP Lab in Adastral Park. The results of our research so far into Cloud RAN and fronthaul demonstrate that an Ethernet medium using CAT 5 Connectivity uses one tenth of the bandwidth when compared to a CPRI interface,” said Richard MacKenzie, Principal Researcher, BT.

“This project will also demonstrate the ability to mix RRU suppliers connected to the Mavenir virtual BBU supported on COTs white box platforms. Through this testing and mix of suppliers, we are demonstrating that we can truly disrupt the current ecosystem.”

“We are excited about the challenges presented by TIP and are pleased to support these activities as we continue to deploy Open Interface Cloud RAN in other TIP Community Labs,” said John Baker, SVP Access Business Development at Mavenir. “Cloud RAN can save the carrier greater than 37% in both OPEX and Capex using non-fibre optic solutions.”

“At ADVA, we firmly believe that the virtualization of the RAN is one of the critical building blocks in creating tomorrow’s mobile networks. That’s why we’re so focused on helping to drive TIP’s vRAN Fronthaul project forward,” said James Buchanan, General Manager at ADVA’s Ensemble Division. “Within this project, we’re using our Ensemble Connector to show how simple it is to host vRANs on white boxes. In fact, we’re showcasing the solution this month on our booth at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona. What we’re demonstrating in Barcelona is the first step on the path to vRAN commercialization. What follows next is to clearly define the underlying requirements of the transport and Carrier Ethernet network, including synchronization and OAM – something we’re working on closely with BT, Mavenir and our other TIP vRAN Fronthaul Project Group partners.”

About ADVA Optical Networking:

ADVA Optical Networking is a company founded on innovation and driven to help our customers succeed. For over two decades, our technology has empowered networks across the globe. We’re continually developing breakthrough hardware and software that leads the networking industry and creates new business opportunities. It’s these open connectivity solutions that enable our customers to deliver the cloud and mobile services that are vital to today’s society and for imagining new tomorrows. Together, we're building a truly connected and sustainable future. For more information, please visit www.advaoptical.com.

About BT:

BT’s purpose is to use the power of communications to make a better world. It is one of the world’s leading providers of communications services and solutions, serving customers in 180 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to its customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband, TV and internet products and services; and converged fixed-mobile products and services. BT consists of six customer-facing lines of business: Consumer, EE, Business and Public Sector, Global Services, Wholesale and Ventures, and Openreach.

For the year ended 31 March 2017, BT Group’s reported revenue was £24,062m with reported profit before taxation of £2,354m.

British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York. For more information, visit www.btplc.com

About TIP:

Founded February 2016, the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is an engineering-focused initiative driven by operators, suppliers, developers, integrators, and startups to disaggregate the traditional network deployment approach. The collective aim of our community is to collaborate on new technologies, examine new business approaches and spur new investments into the telecom space.

About Mavenir:

Mavenir is purpose-built to redefine mobile network economics for Communication Service Providers (CSPs). Our solutions pave the way to 5G with 100% software-based, end-to-end, Cloud Native network solutions. Leveraging industry-leading firsts in VoLTE, VoWiFi, Advanced Messaging (RCS), Multi-ID, vEPC and Cloud RAN, Mavenir accelerates network transformation for more than 250+ CSP customers in over 130 countries, serving over 50% of the world’s subscribers.

We embrace disruptive, innovative technology architectures and business models that drive service agility, flexibility, and velocity. With solutions that propel NFV evolution to achieve web-scale economics, Mavenir offers solutions to CSPs for revenue generation, cost reduction and revenue protection. Mavenir.com

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