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ReadSpeaker Unveils First-Ever Text-to-Speech Multi-Platform Plugin for Unreal and Unity Game Engines

2022/3/17  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: DynamicRuntimeText-to-SpeechpluginallowsgamedeveloperstoleverageasingleruntimeTTSsolutionacrossmultipleplatformstomakegamesmoreaccessible BOSTON--(BUSINESSW

Dynamic Runtime Text-to-Speech plugin allows game developers to leverage a single runtime TTS solution across multiple platforms to make games more accessible


ReadSpeaker, the most trusted, independent digital voice partner for global businesses, today announced the industry’s first-ever multi-platform Runtime Text-to-Speech (TTS) Plugin for Unreal and Unity game engines. With the ReadSpeaker TTS plugin, game developers can leverage a single runtime TTS solution across multiple platforms, allowing them to add screen narration, audio description and more to their game. The plugin can also be leveraged to give the power of speech to AI-based non-player characters (NPCs) and prototype character lines during development.

With the explosion in popularity of gaming during the pandemic, improving the experience for both developers and players is a critical need. By leveraging the ReadSpeaker runtime TTS plugin, Unity and Unreal game developers can create and edit speech for audio cues and narration with near zero latency, enabling them to prototype speech without the need for voice actors. This allows developers to experiment with new ideas and concepts so they can deliver the best product possible more quickly.

With the plugin, developers do not need to produce and manage individual audio files and can code speech directly into the game, improving accessibility by leveraging TTS to add user interface narration and audio description. With these capabilities, players can have procedurally generated text read aloud to them with near zero latency, and also have the option to have in-game chat messages narrated to them, a critical component of action-heavy multiplayer games.

“ReadSpeaker’s runtime TTS plugin is a game changer for developers and players alike,” said Conor Bradley, Company Director, Soft Leaf Studios. “For developers, the plugin enables a streamlined workflow, allowing them to test, trigger and retest quickly, without the need to wait for outside feedback. And because the plugin comes with pre-made voice adjusters, coding needs are reduced. For players, the TTS plugin enables them to personalize the game to their needs, improving accessibility for those who need it.”

“Digital environments and the development of the Metaverse are becoming ever more limitless, putting pressure on developers to deliver higher-quality experiences for players—especially when it comes to voice,” says Matt Muldoon, President North America, ReadSpeaker. “By powering these digital environments with AI and TTS and automating prospective expansions, developers are able to create unique experiences each time for each player. Our Runtime TTS plugin for Unity and Unreal game engines gives developers and players the ability to fully immerse themselves in these digital worlds as they continue to expand and become more powerful.”

For more on ReadSpeaker’s Runtime TTS Plugin, visit https://www.readspeaker.ai/unity-unreal-game-engine-plugin-free-trial/.

About ReadSpeaker:
ReadSpeaker is the most trusted, independent digital voice partner for global brands. With more than 20 years of industry experience, ReadSpeaker offers brands sophisticated text-to-speech solutions and expert hands-on assistance to create the most engaging bespoke voice interfaces. ReadSpeaker offers both SaaS and licensed solutions to support varying channels and devices, and consistently maintains brand trust through its commitment to data privacy. To date, the company – which provides more than 35 languages and 110 voices – has created more than 10,000 digital voice interfaces for brands around the world. For more information, visit https://www.readspeaker.ai/ and follow the company on Twitter and LinkedIn.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220222006347/en/


Victoria Newell
V2 Communications for ReadSpeaker

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