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HKTB Announces Revival Plan to Showcase Hong Kong With New Perspectives and Pave Way for Return of Tourists

2022/5/9  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--TheHongKongTourismBoard(HKTB)helditsannualTourismUpdateeventonlinetoday(6May)andannouncedarevivalplanthathighlightsHongKong&rsquo

HONG KONG -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) held its annual Tourism Update event online today (6 May) and announced a revival plan that highlights Hong Kong’s vibrant developments and new experiences, aiming to generate a positive ambience and make the city top-of-mind destination for worldwide travellers when travel resumes.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220506005153/en/

With the theme “Together Towards New Horizons”, Tourism Update 2022 attracted 3,200 trade representatives from travel agencies, attractions, hotels, airlines, retailers, restaurants, and meeting and exhibition organisers from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas markets. The HKTB shared insights into the latest tourism trends and its work plan for the coming year. Guest speakers from major organisations also outlined new developments to further enhance Hong Kong’s world-class tourism infrastructure.

In his opening remarks, HKTB Chairman Dr Y K Pang highlighted Hong Kong’s return to normality. “The fifth wave of the pandemic is subsiding,” he said. “Hong Kong’s daily life and economic activities are now gradually returning to normal, allowing us to stage large-scale events and prepare to welcome back visitors.

“Throughout the pandemic, Hong Kong never stopped building and upgrading its tourism infrastructure. We will see the grand opening of the Hong Kong Palace Museum this summer, while the third runway at Hong Kong International Airport is expected to go into service within the next couple of years. With these new infrastructure elements and the support of the Central and Hong Kong SAR Governments, Hong Kong’s competitive edge has held firm and we can head towards new horizons with confidence.”

In his presentation of the work plan for the coming year, HKTB Executive Director Dane Cheng described how the HKTB will focus first on generating a positive ambience in the city, stimulating consumption, and maintaining Hong Kong’s profile globally by launching “Hong Kong Summer Treats”. The campaign will provide a wide range of discounts and promotional offerings, and will begin with “Arts in Hong Kong” – a campaign that supports international art and cultural events, such as Art Basel, which will return in a physical format.

When social distancing measures are further relaxed, the HKTB will arrange more world-class events in phases, including the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival and Hong Kong WinterFest, and give its support to other high-profile events such as the Hong Kong Sevens.

Mr Cheng stressed the importance of ensuring a recovery at home in the run-up to the return of worldwide visitors. “These promotions will generate a positive ambience in Hong Kong and demonstrate how we have returned to normal. The HKTB will then launch extensive promotions, including the tactical ‘Open House Hong Kong’ campaign, to welcome back visitors when the time is right. To better respond to market needs, we will also strive to enhance the visitor journey into a seamless experience through a comprehensive digital transformation.”

He revealed: “The HKTB has conducted extensive research in 16 markets and found Hong Kong is still well-loved by travellers worldwide. They have specifically identified some major driving factors to visit Hong Kong, including cleanliness, local culture, in-depth experiences, unique cuisine, high accessibility, and ease of communications. These factors are not only core strengths of Hong Kong but also match the trends and tastes of the post-COVID travel era.

“With our solid tourism foundations, our status as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, our position at the heart of the dynamic Greater Bay Area, and our wealth of new tourism assets and infrastructure, Hong Kong’s tourism future is full of potential.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220506005153/en/


For media inquiries:  
Vanessa So  

HKTB Chairman Dr Y K Pang (left) and Executive Director Dane Cheng (right) shared the revival plan of HKTB with 3,200 trade representatives, highlighting Hong Kong’s vibrant developments and new experiences. (Photo: Business Wire)

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