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Covetrus Names Michelle Bonfilio as Chief People Officer

2022/9/28  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: PORTLAND,Maine--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Covetrus®(NASDAQ:CVET),agloballeaderinanimal-healthtechnologyandservices,todayannouncedtheappointmentofMichelleBonfilio

PORTLAND, Maine--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Covetrus® (NASDAQ: CVET), a global leader in animal-health technology and services, today announced the appointment of Michelle Bonfilio as Chief People Officer, reporting to Ben Wolin, President and Chief Executive Officer at Covetrus. In this role, Bonfilio will oversee the human resources and communications organizations and help shape the culture of the company.

“Michelle has a proven track record of empowering teams to achieve results, driving an inclusive culture and aligning purpose to the work employees do each day,” said Wolin. “At Covetrus, she will champion the fact that our employees worldwide are at the core of our mission to drive better outcomes – both business and healthcare – for veterinarians across the globe. In addition, Michelle is one of those rare executives who can translate business objectives into operational strategies that drive transformation and performance for employees, the company and its stakeholders.”

Prior to joining Covetrus, Bonfilio served as Chief Human Resources Officer at Petco, where she was a key leader in the company’s evolution and repositioning as a “digital-forward” provider of pet health and wellness. Bonfilio has broad experience across consumer retail, CPG and healthcare sectors. During her extensive career, she’s held numerous executive positions within human resources at The Wine Group, Delta Dental, Big Heart Pet Brands and Gap, Inc.

“I am thrilled to join Covetrus and its team and be part of the company’s relentless dedication to veterinarians and to help enable better outcomes and care for pets and animals around the globe,” said Bonfilio.

Bonfilio is a graduate of the University of California, Davis and is a certified executive coach from Hudson Institute of Coaching.

About Covetrus
Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive improved health and financial outcomes. We are bringing together products, services, and technology into a single platform that connects our customers to the solutions and insights they need to work best. Our passion for the well-being of animals and those who care for them drives us to advance the world of veterinary medicine. Covetrus is headquartered in Portland, Maine with more than 5,700 employees serving over 100,000 customers around the globe. For more information about Covetrus, please visit Covetrus.com.

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