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Global Processing Services names Simon Stanford as Chief Revenue Officer

2022/5/9  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LONDON--(BUSINESSWIRE)--GlobalProcessingServices(GPS),aleadingglobalpaymenttechnologyplatform,hastodayannouncedtheappointmentofSimonStanfordasChiefRevenu

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global Processing Services (GPS), a leading global payment technology platform, has today announced the appointment of Simon Stanford as Chief Revenue Officer. Based in London, Stanford sits on GPS’ global executive committee and leads the company’s global commercial, partnerships and customer relationship management, and marketing teams with a focus on developing GPS’ global partnerships ecosystem, marketing and brand strategy, and driving revenue growth worldwide.

Simon joins GPS from global online payments platform Worldpay where he was Senior Vice President Group Executive for the EMEA region and led a commercial team of over 450 people. He has more than 20 years of commercial experience, predominantly gained at global technology and telecommunications businesses including Samsung Electronics and O2 (Telefónica UK).

Joanne Dewar, Chief Executive Officer, GPS, said: “We are delighted to welcome him to our senior leadership team. Simon joins GPS at the most exciting chapter in our history to date as we prepare to embark on a rapid global expansion. Simon brings to GPS a stellar track record of success in building and leading high-performing global commercial teams and will be a pivotal player in our accelerated growth strategy for 2022 and beyond.”

Simon Stanford, Chief Revenue Officer, GPS, added: “In meeting Joanne and GPS’ new board I was impressed by the scale of their global ambition to transform the payments industry and their drive to help fintechs and entrepreneurs all over the world accelerate the digital revolution. GPS has built an impressive and diverse customer base, providing the issuer processing firepower for some of the most disruptive and fast-growing fintechs in the world. I am delighted to join the team and look forward to being part of GPS’ international growth journey.”

In January 2022, GPS announced a significant capital injection of over US$400 million, providing GPS with a bench of experienced global growth investors including Advent International – through Advent Tech and affiliate Sunley House Capital – Viking Global Investors; Temasek the global investment company headquartered in Singapore; and MissionOG, a US-based growth equity firm. In March 2022, GPS announced Mastercard had also made a strategic investment into the company.

GPS is investing strongly in its award-winning API-first payment technology platform, upgrading its infrastructure and diversifying its capabilities, with an eye on new and fast-growing verticals where adoption continues to rise, including digital banks, crypto, BNPL, open banking and cross border payments, and is expanding its international footprint worldwide.


Notes to Editors:

About Global Processing Services (GPS)

Global Processing Services (GPS) is the trusted and proven go-to payments processing partner for today’s leading fintechs, including Revolut, Curve, Starling Bank, Zilch, WeLab Bank and Paidy. GPS has issued millions of physical and virtual cards, enabled in over 48 countries, and processes billions of transactions on its API-first cloud-based platform. GPS’ highly flexible and configurable platform places the control firmly in the hands of global fintechs, digital banks, and embedded finance providers, enabling them to deliver rich functionality to the cardholder. It is a multi-award-winning issuer processor powering next generation payment segments, including expense management, B2B payments, crypto, lending and credit (including Buy Now Pay Later (“BNPL”) propositions), digital banking, FX, remittance, open banking and more. GPS is certified by Visa and Mastercard to process and manage any credit, debit or prepaid card transaction globally, with offices in London, Newcastle, Singapore, Sydney and Dubai. Its platform is equipped to meet the stringent standards required by Tier 1 banks, integrating with over 95 issuer partners and operates programmes for a global client base.

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