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Genome Insight Secures $23 Million in Series B-2 Funding Round

2023/11/3  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SANDIEGO--(BUSINESSWIRE)--GenomeInsight,aprecisionhealthcaresolutionscompanypromotingwhole-genometechnologyforaccuratediagnosisandpersonalizedtreatmentforc

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Genome Insight, a precision healthcare solutions company promoting whole-genome technology for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment for cancer and rare disease, today announced that it has closed a $23 million in a Series B-2 investment in its latest funding round. The round was joined by Samsung Venture Investment Corporation, Asan Foundation, SCL Group, and Ignite Innovation. Existing investors participated in this round. This round follows a Series B investment in 2022 that also raised $23 million.

This investment will support Genome Insight’s pursuit of bringing whole-genome based precision diagnostics to routine clinical care. Earlier this year, the company announced the launch of CancerVision, a test that utilizes whole genome sequencing to offer precise, timely, and medical relevant information that assists in making individualized healthcare decision in cancer. CancerVision integrates advanced bioinformatics and computational techniques to determine whole-genome mutational profiles of individual cancer patients. The information is analyzed and curated for physicians in an easy-to-use format that captures the most relevant and actionable insights for each patient.

"Genomic data has the potential to unlock a new era in healthcare. We envision a future where genomic information is integral to standard patient care," says Young Seok Ju, the Founder and CEO at Genome Insight.

About CancerVision

CancerVision was designed to empower healthcare providers with the information necessary to make informed decisions tailored to an individual's unique genomic profile. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) provides a more complete view (>99%) of a cancer's genetic make-up than any other test currently available, including targeted panels and whole exome testing. CancerVision can provide detailed information about genomic mutations and other biomarkers that may be driving a patient's cancer. This information can support healthcare providers in identifying potential treatment approaches, such as targeted therapies and clinical trials, tailored to an individual's specific cancer type and genetic makeup.

About Genome Insight

Genome Insight, Inc. is a global team, with headquarters in San Diego, California. The company was brought to fruition by physicians with a common vision to deliver unparalleled bioinformatics that merges whole-genome and patient data with to deliver first-in-class research and discovery, precision diagnostics and treatments. The company’s mission is to improve how patients are diagnosed and treated, by unlocking the full potential of personalized genomic data. To learn more, please visit https://genomeinsight.net

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